Acclaim for Anthony Dream Johnson
“Disturbingly misogynistic” – The Independent
“Always extremely professional” – Jack Donovan
“A rising force in the manosphere” – Secular Patriarchy
“Anthony you are the single most judgmental guest I think we’ve ever had.” – Piers Morgan
“He is a man who sees women only as fungible, only as objects to be used and discarded at will, not fully human. I hate to use these words but… jizz storage units.” – Patheos
“Anthony ‘Dream’ Johnson is far from anybody’s dream, he’s a terrified little incel troll.”
– Maxine Page
“The 21 Convention got me re-energized and motivated. The brotherhood and unity was off the charts. Ready to get home and elevate my content. That dude Anthony Dream Johnson is undervalued.” – Coach Greg Adams
“I like Andrew Tate, but you are more extreme than him!” – Random YouTube fan
"What an absolute arrogant, patronizing t**t he is!! I mean the name says it all! I'd like to ram that cap straight up his mansplaining a**e!!" – Random Twitter fan
"This guy is genuinely serious. This is really worrying that people think like this. F**k me."
– Another happy Twitter fan
Anthony Dream Johnson Biography
I’ve been called a lot of things since I started creating content, videos, and live events in 2006. Praise like “the unsung hero of the manosphere” by Oshay Duke Jackson, a guardian of the manosphere by Andrew Tate, “always extremely professional” by Jack Donovan, “Disturbingly misogynistic” by the mainstream media, and “the most hated man in the manosphere” by random anonymous trolls (not that they’re wrong).
You probably know me from my event and video work in the manosphere. Events like The 21 Convention and The Patriarch Convention, educational channels like 21 Studios (500k+ subscribers), viral speeches like Marrying Medusa (13M+ views), and viral campaigns like Make Women Great Again (100M+ views). I’ve also conducted hundreds of interviews via The Red Man Group, and my three interviews with Andrew Tate alone have done a combined view count of over 20 million views across social media. My work has made multiple appearances on national TV and a wide variety of written publications such as the New York Post, Daily Mail, and The New York Times.
Over the past 18 years I’ve published over 5,000 videos online with a total view count of over 200 million, mostly on YouTube. I’ve also written thousands of newsletters, essays, roasts, blog posts, and published two books. Most recently The 10 Laws of the Alpha Male. I’m currently working on a memoir called The Manosphere detailing my time in the manosphere from 2005-2024 and the live events I built around the world throughout that time.
I’m also a one time documentary film maker, publishing a now infamous 3 hour documentary about manosphere fraud in early 2021.
I was born and raised in South West Florida graduating from Fort Myers High in 2006. My boyhood involved a lot of time in and around the Caloosahatchee River fishing, boating, tubing, camping, wakeboarding, and so on. I was out in the wild constantly whether it was the river, deep sea fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, or spear fishing in the Florida Keys. The only sport I played growing up was contact football from grades 7-12 and I absolutely loved it in spite of the lifelong knee injury I have from it. From 2006-2010 I attended the University of Central Florida in Orlando before dropping out.
Recently I became a father to Charlotte Dream Johnson, husband to Allyssa Johnson, and unapologetic 1800s style patriarch to my family. I went from “PUA to Patriarch” by approaching over 6,000 women. The current aim of my work is the total abolishment of feminism in the United States and the rebuilding of a new American patriarchy for all. This blog makes no calls for violence but is otherwise very “radical”. TDL will fundamentally and sincerely challenge the way you think about the world, with a little shit talking, memes, and hyperbole mixed in along the way.
My family life growing up was a hurricane of violence, abuse, chaos, steroids, and alcoholism. The result was CPTSD. It took me decades to heal my masculinity from this. The scars are permanent. My writing style and thinking reflect this. I’m an advocate of peaceful parenting and am opposed to all forms of violence against your family.
The philosophy I’ve practiced and advocated for since 2010 is called Objectivism, founded by the late Ayn Rand. I’m also a baptized, confirmed, and retired Roman Catholic. I’m openly critical of all faith based religions including Christianity but share many friendships with Christians across the three branches.
Politically I subscribe to the absolute individual rights and extremely limited scope of government advocated generally by our founding fathers, and specifically by Ayn Rand on the strict basis of reason. If 90% of the federal government was abolished tomorrow, that would be a good start. In contemporary terms you could call me a “Ron Paul Republican” and “Ultra MAGA” Trump supporter.
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