Your verbal aggression 🥊
A newsletter on why you need to be 10x more verbally aggressive with women.
What’s up man.
Previously I’ve written to you about leveling up your sexual aggression. This is a taboo subject that most men are too chicken shit to write about on the internet, especially with their face and name attached to it.
Most dating and “red pill” advice these days is just squeaky clean, safe puke designed to be spoon fed to soft normies from some chump on Instagram that goes by “Authentic Alpha Eagle”. Alternatively it’s mindless e-thugging like “deez hoes ain’t loyal” to the clapping of fat seals sitting at home in their pajamas with microwave chicken nuggets.
It’s like Blade Runner and Idiocracy had a baby, shitting out a bunch of normies. I have no stomach for any of it. Since I found the manosphere in 2005 as a highschool student I’ve always been here for the truth, the revolution.
I was promised a lot for manosphere Christmas and all I got were a bunch of homosexual DEI federal agents in my stocking.
Some Russian gym bro named “Gay Lube Oil” ironically turned out to be one of the only other revolutionaries in this entire god forsaken shithole of an online community. Go figure. You should buy his book by the way.
Now when it comes to sexual and verbal aggression, I wrote something pretty spicy yesterday about using your mouth as the ultimate tactical and tactile weapon against women.
Naturally verbal communication came up, but I only briefly touched on it, mostly in the context of whispering. A low key, quiet weapon in the war to enslave all women.
There is much more to be said though, and today I will hit on fundamentals that will help you dominate women.
As you can see in the opening screenshot of one of my titillating Tinder conversations, my approach to dating apps was slightly unorthodox. I’ve shown you guys some other examples of this before, to the rabid skepticism of blue pilled beta males.
That can’t be real
Totally fake bro
That could never work bro
I have dozens of these, maybe hundreds. Figured it was useful to take a screenshot for safety and security purposes. Better to be safe than sorry.
Uh yes your honor, before she came over at 2am to have crazy monkey sex I informed her that my intention was to have an orgasm all over her face and declare her my girlfriend. She was enthusiastic about this proposition at the time. See exhibit A for evidence.
This is very different of course from how beta males talk to women online. This example girl was also extra white, young, and hot, hence I went the extra mile bringing her a flower. I’m a nice guy you know.
So here’s the average beta male flood of bullshit in her inbox on every dating app and social media platform.
What’s up
I love your dog
Meanwhile here’s me, coming in to pick a fight, left hook right to the jaw.
What does this demonstrate? Many things.
First, I have balls. Big coconuts. Some soft, vaginal beta male is never going to send this as an opener. He lives in a constant state of fear and conflict avoidance. Being pro-conflict right off the bat is not part of his personality or language.
Clearly I’m used to talking to women this way. That’s the first thing that comes to mind for her. Which also means I’m used to getting away with it. Pushing boundaries this hard and fast, and actually getting positive responses from it.
How many women have I said this to? She assumes dozens, or hundreds.
The fact that I’m willing to bluntly insult her - talk shit - right off the bat also bodes well for any future sexual encounters with me. If this guy talks shit like this on Tinder, how does he talk in real life, and in bed?
Her mind is racing, in the early stages of fantasizing about this.
On technical level I’m also risking both rejection and literal reporting on Tinder, even risking my account itself. Indeed I had over half a dozen Tinder accounts deleted because of talking like this.
I was willing to break the Tinder rules and be a Tinder criminal then.
The language itself is more than provocative, combative, and insulting though. It is also sexually explicit and aggressive. In fact it is a triple whammy of sexy talk. Fuck, dominate, and cum all over.
This message is strong as hell, and yet it lands on a soft note. Declare my girlfriend, and then a magic rose. Am I actually going to date her?
She has no idea, the message is so over the top and aggressive. Yet the potential is always there (so long as I actually exist/am not a catfish). That potential then is explicitly teased, alluded to, and will remain a mystery she thinks about.
Give me your number is also very intentional and verbally aggressive, congruent with the opening message. It’s not a request or question, it’s a short command and compliance test. It means do what you are told right now.
Women if you haven’t heard the good news, love being bossed around by men. They need it. They crave it. They dream of it.
Now I need her number to continue escalating off Tinder, which limits my communication options on the app itself. Fundamentally you need her number to send her dick pics.
Boom I get the number, instant dick pic in her face.
If a picture says a thousand words, a dick pic says ten thousand.
Now some of you might be thinking but Anthony, this only works on sluts. Not precious good girls.
If that’s you, I have news for you bro. You are completely wrong. Every woman you’ve ever met is a horny fucking animal, much the same way you are a horny fucking animal.
In fact women are horny fucking animals with limited emotional and impulse control. She wants you to be aggressive and dominant the same way you want her to be young, hot, fertile, and obedient.
You have needs and desires, so does she. How you look is important sure, but your actions are profoundly more important. Most of you reading this need to figure out how to become 10x more sexually and verbally aggressive with women in a safe/legal/sane context.
There is an absolute dearth of masculine aggression in the sexual marketplace today. Women are starving for it like Conovan Sharpe’s fat fucking wife in a donut shop.
Key Points
Don’t be shy to outright insult women. Calling her a cunt in America right off the bat is probably a bit too far, but, that’s a useful experiment to run (that errs in the right direction) so you can learn how to dial it in next time.
Being verbally aggressive - even outright combative - in an ocean of beta males flooding her inbox with the same generic, safe garbage is absolutely magical to her. She wants a man willing to face, even start conflict.
Conflict avoidance is a tell tale sign of beta male energy, and women fucking loathe beta males. When she feels this her brain snap concludes that a large animal or alpha male will eventually kill you, therefore you are useless to reproduce because you will be dead and unable to protect her (and her children). It’s literally that simple and ruthless. “He’s a pussy and will end up dead or enslaved”.
You live in a feminist social order - a matriarchy in all but name - that has tried 24 hours a day for about 100 years now to outlaw masculinity, brick by brick. They have tried to strangle and exterminate masculine behavior at every turn. Killing off this supply of masculine, alpha energy has created a huge demand for it in the sexual marketplace.
Being verbally aggressive with women like this absolutely sets you apart and shows, in a simple way, that you are willing to stand out, and therefore strong enough to stand out in spite of social pressure, terms of service, risk of rejection, etc.
If you want to learn more about becoming an apex alpha male make sure to download my free 70 page book The 10 Laws of the Alpha Male. My book will turbo charge your toxic masculinity.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson
The Master Lover Academy by my good friend James Marshall is an advanced 8 month course that dives much deeper into understanding your sexuality and building up your skills in the bedroom - including how to dominate women. You can use coupon code ANTHONY21 for an exclusive $50 discount.