What’s up man.
In today’s newsletter we’re going to grind the sacred cow of feminism into hamburger meat for an alpha male happy meal. Specifically we’re going to talk about why women working is retarded in America and everywhere else.
First of all sincerely holding this view point is virtually a capital offense in any Western nation today and has been for decades. Do you even remember the last time someone advocated for this in real life, in any environment at all, even for 5 seconds?
A high school teacher? A religious leader? A politician? A big shot businessman? An athlete or actor? Literally anyone, with any degree of sincerity?
Unless it was your drunk uncle at Thanksgiving 20 years ago, most of you have never actually heard this idea expressed out loud with any degree of authenticity.
Authentic as in “Hey I’ve been reading up on women going to work, and you know I think this was a big mistake. Women in the military, law enforcement, fire departments, hospitals, office settings, courts, banks, grocery stores, literally all of it. They need to go home.”
Imagine if the CEO of Netflix or some other large business came out tomorrow with this opinion. They’d be cancelled, fired, removed by the board, even sued almost immediately.
If a middle school teacher or high school coach gets caught telling their students tomorrow that girls should grow up to become wives and mothers - and that pursuing a career is a bad idea that will lead to ruin - that individual will be fired. Immediately.
This is absolutely not allowed. You are not allowed to think or speak this way. You can do the opposite 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with a bullhorn, pushing young women to put “work” first and motherhood last (or zeroed out entirely). In fact you’ll be praised once everyone remembers what a woman is again (and that women don’t have dicks).
Feminism has such a stranglehold on culture that these death penalty rules apply equally to a megacorp CEO and a local school teacher/coach alike.
No dissent is allowed. Such is the covert totalitarian force feminism applies to the social order you live in.
When it comes to women working being retarded what’s interesting to consider is what your own family blood line would think of women going to work.
Not from home, not on the family farm, not down the street part time at grandpa’s shop. The current boss bitch stuff America and the West have been dealing with for 50 fucking years, for the first time in human history.
Below is my own family tree.
My great uncle on the top left, John Mattesich (whom my grandfather named his first born after), his youngest brother in the top middle George, and my own maternal grandfather Dominick Mattesich on the top right.
Beneath them are my great grandmother and grandfather. I never met any of these people sadly, not even my grandfather Dominick. My own mother did not even get to meet her own paternal grandparents.
Let’s focus just one one generation, our great grandparents. Your own and mine, all sets of them, and all of their friends back then.
I’m willing to bet that every single one of these people would more or less agree with me. They would think women going to work as cops, firefighters, soldiers, doctors, judges, CEOs, etc was absolutely bat shit insane.
A recipe not only for disaster, but the end of civilization.
Now what you’re supposed to believe - what the TV tells you and every authority figure you ever met growing up - is that these people were backwards thinking bigots. You on the other hand are the enlightened Boomer/Genxer/Millennial for being a feminist positive equalist.
How brave. Towing the state-feminist mandated line that women can be and should be anything - except wives and mothers. If they must do it then it should be done reluctantly, barely at all, delayed as long as possible (frozen eggs even), and the “birthing person” should never EVER submit to the authority of a man.
Fucking ever.
How to Rape Your Wife Legally
Most of you reading - not my regular alpha male readers but these shit for brains boomer normies on Substack - are unaware that for most of American history it was completely legal to “rape” your wife.
The first country to outlaw marital rape was the communist shithole Soviet Union in fact, 1922.
In the United States it was fully legal to rape your wife all the way until the 1970s in every single state.
So imagine its 1969. Your wife is being a cunt on Saturday night. So you wake up Sunday morning and rape that bitch before going to church.
Completely kosher legally.
This makes sense because uh, she’s your wife bro. She’s literally your property. When our country was sane you couldn’t “rape your wife” the same way you can’t “steal from yourself”. It doesn’t make sense.
More than that though marriage back then - not that long ago by the way - actually meant something. It was serious but reasonable legal contract with obligations for both sides.
Government sanctioned marriage by comparison is a disaster today. An unconscionable contract in any other legal context. Zero obligations for the woman (with 100% authority), a billion or so obligations for the man (with 0% authority). In a word it’s slavery.
To legally rape your wife today then you would need to get the laws changed back or build a time machine and visit 1969 or earlier in the US.
I raise the issue of “marital rape” because it illustrates how insane (and insanely abnormal) modern culture is. Your great grandparents and their parents before them would have thought that sending a husband to prison for fucking his wife was crazy, even evil.
Like, uh, wtf? That’s his wife. They are married. Duh.
The truth is if you believe women should go to work in masses and husbands should go to prison for “marital rape”, you are the odd one out. Brainwashed, cucked and tucked by a temporary madness known as feminism.
99.9% of your entire family tree dating back 50,000 years would agree with me. They would think you are literally, mentally retarded.
What has women going to work in America even done for us as a nation? It’s like women voting.
Name one good thing women voting has accomplished. It’s praised as this big achievement, so what has it achieved? Specifically, not in vague generalities.
The answer is nothing good. Research today shows that American women are the most miserable they have ever been, and they are the fattest fucking pigs in human history.
I suppose if your goal was to make women miserable, fat, and sterile feminism achieved quite a lot.
Was that the goal ladies?
To be big fat sad fucking hippos?
In conclusion women working is retarded generally. I don’t know if we need to outlaw it (nor would that be possible), but an 80% reduction of women in the workforce would be reasonable middle ground.
100% reduction for law enforcement, military, and other man critical services like fire fighting though. Women doing that shit is pure crazy.
To the women reading this, shut the fuck up, go home, put your husband’s dick in your mouth, and do what you’re fucking told before you burn this country to the ground.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson
Women aren't actually real and
neither are homosexuals.
Women and Homosexual are identities created by marketing agencies, spread through advertising and then acted out by people.
When the Cosmo Strong Independent Woman Identity is acted out or when the sassy gay identity is acted what happens is that White Middle Class Culture is eroded.
The more White middle class culture is eroded the more it can be replaced and monetized with Eat The Bugs Own nothing and Globalism.
In conclusion a person who lives off of student loans and gets their identity from social media isn't real the same way a person who wears a Batman costume is not real.
It's a fake identity.