What’s up man, welcome to your daily shot of soul testosterone.
This post is an expansion on my recent newsletter How to Control Your Wife which has been a big hit among aspiring alpha males.
The original commentary is as follows:
If you want to lead a great family and have a happy, healthy marriage you need to get it through your thick fucking skull that women are destroyers.
Women are not adults. They are destroyer beings.
You’ve been brainwashed your entire life with this androgynous concept of “adult” and the more modern “adulting” DINK (dual income no kids) nonsense.
This is all feminist propaganda bullshit. Women are the ultimate destroyers. They love destroying themselves above all, followed closely by destroying beta males and their own home countries.
Generally speaking this is what women do with freedom. Destroy. Have you seen women under 30 today? They are covered head to toe in butterfly tattoos, door knocker nose rings, and spend most of their time selling pics of their snatch on OnlyFans for the price of a 2005 happy meal so they can buy more SSRIs.
Entire generations of women are determined to destroy themselves and everything around them.
These same women have more freedoms and rights than all of their maternal ancestors combined dating back 300,000 years. That’s why they are destroying themselves. It’s what women do automatically and naturally at first opportunity. This is not new, it is ancient, hard coded into their DNA.
Now women can create too. They can create life and shoot it right out of their vagina. I’ve seen it happen. Amazing stuff. They squirt the milk of life out of their boobs too.
This capacity to create and nurture life is the flip side of the same coin. Destruction is the automatic (default) side of the coin. Creation is what women do when under the proper control of an alpha male/patriarch.
You dominate their soul and channel it towards the betterment and creation of more human life.
In other words women are built to breed not to lead.
Likewise women are not “adults” in the same sense that men can become mature, rational adults. At least women that achieve this are extraordinarily rare. The Ayn Rands and Janice Fiamengos of the world.
That’s part of why planes are crashing into the ground now and rolling around like tonka toys. Because women can’t drive for shit, much less drive airplanes.
Putting young women in charge of major aircraft is one of the most insane ideas any man has ever had in human history.
Your Ancestors Knew
Whether it’s the Hindu god of destruction Shiva, Eve from the Abrahamic religions, or any number of other mythological creatures such as gorgons, succubi, and sirens… men have known for thousands of years that women are destroyers.
In this sense your ancestors tried to warn and educate you on the nature of women through oral, written, and religious traditions.
They tried to tell you a woman without instruction is headed for destruction.
Somewhere along the way in quite recent history, men decided to start ignoring these cautionary tales.
For example about 100 years ago in America we started giving women direct political power that they did not earn, fight for, deserve, or understand.
Disaster ensued.
As a young man you were brainwashed to believe that this was the beginning of equality, that your great grandfathers were oppressive tyrants, that women voting was some great victory for freedom, and that you must atone for the sins of your ancestors against womankind.
This was all a complete and aggressive lie though. Women voting was in fact the death of equality in America.
Women gained the power to send young men to their deaths by voting for war pig politicians, at no risk to themselves.
No American woman has ever been drafted to this day, yet millions of men have been conscripted into military slavery to the bidding of these war pig thunder cunts.
Even now my fellow alpha males, you are at risk of having to go die for Jews or some other meaningless cause across the globe.
More specifically no woman has ever been at risk of being drafted into military slavery. Their political choices have always been absolutely divorced from reality in this sense, which fuels the flame of their urge to destroy.
Women voting in America has always been an atrocity of justice. A scam, a massive fraud, a tyranny of emotionally turbulent, gullible, entitled cunty cunts.
The draft is evil to be clear and should be abolished. It is slavery with a gun added to the mix. Abolishing the draft will never undo the 100+ years of abuse by women though, sending young men to their deaths at no risk to themselves.
Women should never be allowed in the military either, so drafting them is not a viable solution. Combat roles for thunder cunts are particularly ill advised, dangerous, and insane.
Repealing the 19th? Sure, but its politically impossible. You’re talking about a political goal 50x more difficult than repealing Roe v. Wade. Even in the scenario of a modern civil war or total economic collapse, I’m still not convinced this would be on the table.
American beta males are that cucked.
No. The solution for women voting is for them to submit to the authority of men, of their husbands, of their fathers, and to vote how they are commanded to.
In other words the solution is a total cultural revolution. A new American patriarchy built on the ashes and grave of feminism.
If we got 80% of women voting how their husbands and fathers told them to, the 19th amendment would be made irrelevant. “Women voting” is not itself a problem, the problem is that it carries unavoidable, severe, civilization ending consequences.
Endless war.
Endless divorce.
Endless barbarians/open borders.
Endless debt (which began with women voting).
If these consequences of females voting are nullified, then no one would care about women voting.
The destructive nature of females can only be controlled and calmed by men. They cannot resist this impulse to destroy on their own, and channel it into creation.
Whatever delusions you have about men and women being equal, you need to purge them out of your head.
Government in particular is the domain of violence. Everything the government does carries the application or threat of violence. Courts, law enforcement, military, etc.
Behind every government goon is the barrel of a gun.
Adding women into that equation? It was nothing short of opening Pandora's box, throwing dynamite in and running away like a 10 year old blowing up ant hills.
Never underestimate the destructive potential of women. Want to blow up your marriage? Let your wife lead.
Want to blow up your country into a million pieces? Give women political power they did not earn, did not fight for, and could never fight for.
Women are literally incapable of defending the rights we’ve given them. It’s a farce and an unearned privilege that they have any involvement with government at all today.
These men here?
They actually fought for their rights. They woke up on Christmas and had to go shoot agents of the government they were at war with.
They only gained the power to govern themselves and vote because they fought a violent revolution and won.
They didn’t bitch and moan at their spouses for the “right” to vote, they had to go out and shoot people in the face to earn it.
In modern America we have forgotten these lessons of how serious it is to vote, manage, and organize the government.
Early Americans did not even consider voting a sacred “right” the same way we do today. It was considered an administrative duty specific to certain segments of the population, the same way we view “jury duty” today.
Men voted on behalf of their families, women exerted soft power by manipulating their husbands when possible. In exchange they didn’t have to go to war and get their head blown off.
This is why many women were against females voting. They assumed it was a trap, a trick, and that women would eventually get drafted into the military.
They failed to grasp how naïve and beta most men are, that women would “get to have their cake and eat it too”, at the expense and destruction of America.
In conclusion women are destroyers by nature. Inserting them into politics - both voting, elected office, law enforcement, the military, etc - has unleashed hell and destruction upon America.
Much the same way women have destroyed the nuclear family. This is what happens when you make a destroyer a leader. They destroy. Duh.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson
If you learned something from today’s newsletter you can send tips here. If you want to learn how to manipulate women and control your wife directly from me I offer personal coaching here.