What’s up man.
When I found the manosphere in 2005 during my final year of high school, I never thought I’d have to sit around someday scolding internet dating gurus who advocate beating women.
Yet here I am almost 20 years later having to do just that.
With the death of my father in 2023 I’ve only recently started to discuss the extent of how violent and abusive my childhood was. My father was an extremely violent alcoholic who beat my mother, me, my little brother, and even pets without mercy for decades. He died with a restraining order (actually violating the RO) after threatening to kill my mother in front of two police officers in late 2022. This was after he had recently stabbed my brother with a knife, landing him in the ER.
Because I’ve seen how devastating domestic violence is up close and personal, I am adamantly against beating your kids and beating women. This actually puts me at odds with large chunks of the manosphere who openly advocate hitting their children and even beating adult women.
Like assholes everyone has an excuse. Christians in particular seem to love whacking their kids around. There was a protestant father a few years ago who told Allyssa and I how frustrated he was hitting his kids, because it doesn’t work (yet he keeps doing it anyway). This was easily one of the stupidest things I had ever heard in my life. The level of goofy schmoofy beta male retardation that surrounds this phenomenon is truly limitless.
Beating your kids stuff aside, let’s explore three high profile manosphere guru examples where beating your wife/woman was advocated.
#1 Dirty Eddie aka “Conovan Sharpe”
Classic manosphere fraud Conovan Sharpe advocates, extensively and repeatedly, beating women in this video montage.
The whole 13 minute video reel is worth watching, but even the opening 20 seconds are enough to get a vibe check for where this is going.
Conovan has since capitulated in his ultimate surrender to me after I kept my knee on his neck for several years. He’s more than a bit salty about it. “Keeping my knee on his neck” for the record means video reels like this.
There’s a bunch of these I had my minions dig up on Conovan still hosted on 21 Studios. By stringing him up with the truth of his own words, I destroyed his reputation and relationships brick by brick.
To be clear I’m not convinced Conovan has ever beaten a woman. This is all chest thumping, edge lording, and pandering to deeply wounded men. Yet if you take him at face value, I guess he believes this shit.
#2 Child Stalker Jonathan Pedowood
There’s a lot to say about this guy. The screenshot above is actually from a video originally leaked in 2020 by Tristian and Andrew Tate. Andrew obtained it and Tristian was chosen to take the fall on leaking it via Twitter. A few days later Tristian did in fact get a lifetime ban from old Twitter since this was deemed “hacked material”.
This was actually important journalism in a sense since Jonathan was then and currently does sell “muscles advice” to men, fitness courses basically. Jonathan did not disclose to his audience that he was getting lipo suction for being a fat fuck.
He ended up getting fat again after this, and then got another round of lipo suction that he spun into a low budget documentary. This was done to try and paper over the fraud/first round of lipo he failed to disclose.
Guess what happened? He got fat again.
More importantly however - deserving of its own post - is that Jonathan Pedowood from Modern Loser Dating is a documented child stalker. This is something well known in the manosphere for a few years now and I believe is the main reason the Tates went after him.
Even gangsters have standards man.
Jonathan specifically walks around Japan taking secret photos of random, small children. Usually 3-8 years old in public places like schools, train stations, and even theme parks. For a while he would then post this to his Instagram stories and comment about how “cute” the kids looked.
Naturally this caught the attention of his critics in the manosphere. Jonathan is so messed up that it never occurred to him how extremely weird and alarming this behavior is to the average person. He’s so socially retarded/mentally ill that it literally does not make sense to him.
It’s just photos of little kids without their parents consent or awareness bro what’s the big deal.
“Alpha Male” cry baby MLD is of course not a fan of me for exposing these issues and getting other influencers to abandon him.
More pertinent to today’s post however is his “endure” debacle from 2023.
On the popular “Whatever” podcast Pedowood advocated (and doubled down) that women who get physically beaten in marriages should “endure” rather than divorce.
In disbelief at his initial response the woman asking him about this very clearly paused and clarified what she was asking about a woman in a legitimate domestic violence situation.
Pedowood triples down. Endure.
After the show this clip went viral and Pedowood spent several months walking back his statements, putting out response videos, going on other podcast shows helping him do damage control.
Jonathan to be clear is a cut and dry fraud who has wanted to fight me on several occasions. Hilariously he was later beaten by up the skinny gay cuckold “Sneako”, the video of them fighting is on my Twitter somewhere.
I normally don’t take this kind of huffing and puffing too seriously but I did offer to beat Pedowood up in front of his mother in Orlando. She lived 10 minutes from me in Orlando until a few months ago. To the surprise of no one Pedowood was raised by a single mom, who according to Pat Stedman has called his own mother “hot” on several occasions in his early blogging career.
Like Conovan I think Pedowood is so brazenly socially retarded that it’s not clear how much he even meant this “endure” stuff. Most influencers - manosphere and otherwise - are just saying rage bait edgy stuff to game the algorithm.
He was a scammer on a roll just spitting nonsense out and wanted to disagree with the woman no matter what. Wife getting beaten? Ya that’s cool, divorce bad, so based bro, gimmie super chat money for more liposuction.
When I say that the manosphere has become a mano-shithole, think of this guy.
#3 Just Cunty Things
I’ve had a few things to say about Just Cunty Things aka Pearl Davis. You can read my full treatment here.
This video clip above however is the creme de la creme. She rants about wanting to fuck me and how hot I am. Her little horse face friend with a bird beak Torsha is also in the video dying to fuck me.
The truth about most of these red pill hoes is that they tickle their cooters while complaining about me and would sell their soul for a shot at Daddy Dream. I’m taken of course and wouldn’t touch Pearl with a 20 foot pole either way.
All that aside, Pearly put out this gem earlier this year. “Some women deserve to get hit” with over 600,000 views.
A little over an hour later she starts walking it back in the replies.
I realize some stand up comedians have said about the same, and for self-defense purposes I have no issue with any man beating his wife to stop an aggravated assault.
Like this example here of my little sister who “allegedly” beat up her mother in law and attacked her (now dead) husband with a knife.
In Just Cunty Thing’s case - as with Pedowood and Conovan - this was mostly rage bait by Pearl.
This is in fact a constant theme with e-guru charlatans. They’re just saying whatever they can to get attention. Out of every 100 things they say or tweet they actually mean one or two at best.
The internet has become that fake and gay. The internet is in fact dying just like the manosphere ecosystem that operates within it.
None of these frauds can help you. Their only goal is to scam you and mentally masturbate about their own unresolved trauma. That’s why none of them have successful families or marriages to speak of.
It’s all one giant orgy of mental illness and internet LARPing. These people are completely dysfunctional imbeciles.
There you have it, three great examples of wife beaters in the manosphere. Thanks for tuning in.
Awomen brother.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson