What’s up man.
This gun image is one of the most polarizing images I’ve ever published. It really riles people up, both positively and negatively.
Soon after I released it I was at a Grounding Camp event in upstate New York hosted by Elliott Hulse. In front of about 100 dudes he asked me if I enjoy being hated. There was no animosity in his voice, it was a genuine question that no one had ever asked me before in my life.
Indeed it was one I had never even asked myself.
I told him I would have to think about it, as I literally didn’t know or have a meaningful answer at the time. This was something I would have to chew on.
And so I did. This simple question sent me tumbling down a rabbit hole contemplating on how and why I lived my life.
Elliott has an amazing habit of asking me these seemingly random, powerful questions like once every ~12 months or so. Elliott has balls so the questions he asks tend to carry serious weight.
Another great example was him about two years later asking me what I thought about Jordan Peterson’s daughter. This kicked off an entire skankvestigation into the mini-Peterson, tumbling down the rabbit hole yet again.
Watching Peterson cucks defend this shit is hilarious.
Here’s what 12 Rules for Life nets you in real life folks.
Your 95% naked single mom adult daughter, with herpes, camel toe in progress, posting half naked selfies on Instagram with your granddaughter, on the bed, on the floor, with no box spring in the background (stripper style).
This “king of the beta males” in real life is a catastrophic failure of a father and a man.
You can get better life advice from the garbage truck driver coming down your street tomorrow.
His daughter will turn out better than whatever the fuck this is.
I bring all this up because your life is a serious matter. What’s happening to your country and the men in it is a serious matter.
And the manosphere 1.0 is a fundamentally unserious place. Whether it’s a manosphere-adjacent figure like Jordan Peterson, or the ambiguously gay duo of Fed and Shit - these are not serious men.
There’s no seriousness or intensity in their eyes and faces. Never has been, never will be.
These are soft, scared little boys as my good friend Paul Cauldwell has pointed out several times.
Everything is just a constant joke. Constant pandering. Telling beta males what they want to hear, to keep them on the plantation, farming those super chats bro.
Super chats are cotton picking for zoomers.
It’s not everyone, but for 90% of manosphere gurus, the only thing they’ve ever been serious about is scamming wounded men out of money and keeping them broken (and paying).
There’s a negative financial incentive to helping men fix themselves and move on to greener pastures. The same way “big pharma” wants to sell you 3,000 pills over a lifetime instead of an inexpensive, simple solution up front with little to no profit in it.
Be honest.
How many manosphere dudes have you even heard of who found the movement, learned stuff, then went on to build (and lead) a big high functioning family?
Of the millions of dudes who have passed through the gates of manospheria since the late 90s that number is insanely small.
Pat and I are two of the rare counter examples, and both of us still have young families.
As Pat and I were discussing just earlier this week here on The Dream Lounge most manogurus a just broken, fucked up dudes who marry single moms, and fat coke heads like Rian Stone’s fat fucking wife.
The real question is how is she both fat and a coke head at the same time? Cocaine usually makes women thin. This is an impressive achievement, obtaining caloric energy from a surprising source.
If I could waive my magic Dream wand and make more manospherians understand one thing, it might be this.
It’s that guys like Jordan Benzo Peterson, Fed and Shit, etc are not your friends.
Jordan is approved opposition, while Fed and Shit are controlled opposition. These are similar but not identical phenomenon.
What’s the big deal you say? Jordan is just telling you to wash your winky and clean your room young man.
The trouble is that Jordan, Fed n Shit, et al are slave masters keeping you on the plantation. “Agents of the Matrix” (Matrixarchy).
They can’t help you be a man because they are not men. They are slaves themselves in a broader sense, incapable of independent action or thought.
Jordan’s daughter in particular understands this much better than the rest of us do. She has never respected her father and never will. She delights in torturing and embarrassing him.
She takes revenge on him regularly for failing to ever tell her “No” growing up. Her animosity for Jordan is severe and permanent.
She’ll take it to the grave posting shit like this all the way down.
Tongue hanging out like a dog, ready for another round of Tate’s dong, ears pierced so far back her grandma is feeling it.
“12 Rules for Life” in action folks.
I’ll close on this note.
America cannot and will not continue to exist with weak, unmanly, vaginal men. This will either fundamentally change - feminism will die - or the country is going to collapse.
If the American Union collapses, it will not be like the collapse of the Soviet Union. It will be closer to the fall of Rome.
Other countries like Canada, Australia, the UK, and other close allies will burn down with us.
It will be the dawn of a totalitarian hell scape/dark age that lasts hundreds of years. A degree of evil and tyranny will exist that no one has ever seen at that scale.
World-wide hell on earth.
You will live in the pod. You will eat ze bugs. Then they will turn your pod into an oven and roast you up kosher style.
Your life, your future, your masculinity, who you choose to take advice from is a serious matter.
The legacy manosphere is an unserious place filled with frauds, feds, and predator conmen. This is why we must secede and form a new manosphere.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson
Anthony, what do you think of Corey Wayne? He has a YouTube channel and published book. He lives in Florida just like you. Would you be open to interviewing him?