What’s up my fellow alpha males.
In today’s episode of The Dream Lounge we’re going to take a look at three high profile “conservative” vaginal males as a larger reflection of so called right wing masculinity.
The vaginal males in question are Florida Attorney General James Uthmeier, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and Florida Congressman Byron Donalds.
Not so long ago - even two years ago - these three men would have been held in moderately high regard by MAGA Floridians and conservatives nationwide.
Ron had the strongest reputation of the three - a potential heir to the MAGA throne even - as a successful and popular republican governor of a large state. This was before he decided to make a kamikaze run at Trump in the 2024 presidential election. At no point did he have any chance of beating Trump. His only accomplishments were pissing Trump off and destroying his own political future.
Not enough has been said yet at how stunning a display this was of a grown man destroying his own future for zero benefit.
Some speculated that it was the deep state that made him go to war with Trump, Jeb Bush and friends. While I’m sure they whispered in his ear, that never struck me as the root cause of his downfall.
I told you then and I’ll say it again now, it was his greedy cunt fucking wife Casey DeSantis who torpedoed his entire future.
Women are destroyers and the first thing they will do given the opportunity at this level is destroy.
She was too stupid and power hungry to step back and support Ron. No, she was jealous of Melania and wanted to be FLOTUS. This led to puppeteering Ron into a political black hole, a no win situation against Trump. [Her upcoming run for governor is a last ditch effort to retain power and stay relevant].
To be clear Ron was a great governor in his first term, I don’t regret my vote. His second term has been more of a political disaster however.
His mini-war against Trump turned me from “strong supporter” to neutral very fast and I’m guessing there are millions of other Trump supporters who feel the same: betrayed. This was much worse than pointless, it was actively self-destructive, suicidal even. His latest war against Andrew and Tristan Tate however has turned me into a hard fuck you.
His newest AG James Uthmeier was a relative unknown in the first Trump administration, and even in Ron’s second term. I had no fucking clue who this guy was and I’m guessing you didn’t either. Apparently James was the mastermind campaign manager behind Ron’s doomed run for president, which was zero percent surprising to discover.
James is now Ron’s lapdog and represents the vaginal conservative beta male to the T. Like Ron James is run by his own cunt fucking wife Jean Uthmeier.
This is the most consistent theme of vaginal males/conservative beta males. They are all run by women. They live and breathe servant masculinity which is to say that they are servants of feminism and ultimately the matriarchy.
Their cunt fucking wives (or fat fucking wives) and sometimes their own mothers are their handlers. These boss bitches keep the slaves on the plantation, serving the interests of women above all else.
They are absolutely enslaved to the matriarchy. Basically they are pets of feminism.
What’s notable about James is not only his political witch hunt against the Tates1, but the fact that he’s now talking shit about me openly in that context.
In this video released yesterday he references my most recent conservation with Andrew in Miami, a clip that has yet again gone viral. The clip is intentionally taken out of context from the larger 76 minute interview to trash Andrew.
In the clip Andrew asks me about the age of consent in America - which is often different from the age of consent across Europe, where it varies from country to country even further.
This in itself is difficult for most Americans to understand because they see the whole world as “America”. This is a sort of myopic solipsism where other countries, cultures, and customs do not even exist.
Adding insult to injury most Americans are ignorant of their own consent laws. The age of consent in over 30 states for example is lower than 18 in the context of marriage. In fact it’s 15 in Hawaii and Kansas2.
My essay here elaborates on my response to Andrew’s question. In short I will never condemn my own grandfather (25 at the time) for banging my grandma at 16 because their relationship was the clearest example of “true love” I have ever seen in my life and it directly led to my creation 50 years later.
Watching my grandma pray to my dead grandpa every single night for decades left a mark you could say.
What James is doing is classic grandstanding, pearl clutching, and conservative virtue signaling. Ron and James together see the Tates as a political punching bag who they can use to impress their cunt wives. In the back of their heads they secretly think that if they are good enough slaves their wives will stop blue balling them.
Spoiler alert: they won’t. Their balls are in their wives purses and they are never leaving. They are both chasing a carrot on a stick that they will never reach.
Fat fuck mamma’s boy Bryon Donalds is yet another example of a vaginal beta male plaguing the right today.
In spite of the Tates not showing any hostility to Bryon - even suggesting their future support - like a good bitch he went on the attack publicly like James and Ron against the Tates.
People keep saying “the Jews” are their masters. This is nonsense. Women are their true masters and would never allow it.
When I look at this man I see a soft, weak pussy begging for validation from women. A boy who never grew into a man, which is not surprising given that he was raised by a fat fuck single mom.
This is common - and tragic - for blacks of course but it is no less disgusting to see.
Don’t chu talk bout my mamma boy.
Sure Bryon is a nice guy but that’s also exactly the problem for millions of conservative vaginal males.
Take a good long look at this face. Study it. Consider that his face reflects decades of his default emotional state which is “yes mommy”.
Absolutely nothing about his face says dangerous, because he is not a dangerous man. Not politically, not emotionally, not spiritually.
He is fundamentally soft.
Now look at my face and ask yourself what you see.
This picture is so calm it scares people. There is no effort in my face, no acting or pretending.
Just pure calm and intense focus, the default state I developed as a boy and then a man.
People’s response to this image tells me a lot about them. The people who fear it are fundamentally weak and anxious. The people who actively hate it are the most scared, frantic, and enslaved of all. NPCs on steroids.
My stunningly handsome face represents the exact opposite of these cucked vaginal males run by their cunt fucking wives and fat fucking wives. I am a patriarch that controls my wife without apology.
This is absolute heresy of the highest order today, because our state religion across party lines and creeds is feminism itself.
That I would govern my own family and establish 4 walls of patriarchy in my own home is nothing short of treason in our empire of feminism - our empire of lies.
These 3 men together - Ron, James, and Bryon - are not the only high profile vaginal males in republican politics today, but they are a perfect trifecta of what’s wrong with conservative politics.
Whether it’s elected officials like these three stooges, or influencer beta faggots like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and Charlie Kirk - they are always slaves to the matriarchy.
Their ultimate allegiance is not to America, the constitution, or our founding fathers. Their loyalty above all is to women.
Every single fucking thing these vaginal males do must in the end align with the “interests of women”.
They will destroy their own political careers for women. They will even destroy the future of America for women, if women so demand it. That sounds insane, but consider how insane most women are for a moment and it makes a lot more sense.
Men like myself, Tate, and Trump represent the diametric opposite of American men. This is the common theme among men like us.
We are not controlled by women. Instead we control women.
This ultimately and fundamentally is why the wives (masters) of Ron, James, and Bryon despise men like Andrew so much. Sure they are busy tickling their cooters in sexual frustration over men like Andrew and Tristan Tate, but they also realize what a threat men like us are.
Men who are not controlled by women are legitimately dangerous in a devoutly feminist society. We represent the potential for an uprising, a rebellion of their beta male slaves.
People think MAGA is a political rebellion, it is in fact only the tip of the spear. This country is ripe for a cultural revolution against the dark forces of feminism. Andrew’s rise to infamy in particular is a signal of times to come.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson
If you want to super charge your toxic masculinity you can get 1 on 1 coaching here.
Conservativism is Neurosis. What is Neurosis? Neurosis is the feeling of going too fast in a vehicle, pushing to heavy industry the gym or saying the controversial thing.
Your body naturally wants to protect you and does this by purposfully trying to slow you down so you can't hurt yourself. The problem is that we live in a fast paced hyper industrial environment and hesitation is death.
If your speeding on a motorcycle any hesitation is death, and thats not something the nervous system is built to understand.
Historically speaking Conservatives always get shredded and retreat back into their cuck shacks. Why? Because they don't embrace change.
To my understanding The only viable form of Rightism is whatever Dubai is doing. Any kind of stalling or grandstanding is instant death in the digital age