What’s up man, welcome to The Dream Lounge.
Today’s newsletter is going to run a little deeper and hotter than usual. Before we get started, I want to point your attention to an essay by
titled The Red Pill Is Uncompromising Rejection published in December.It’s a quick yet powerful read that you should consume now, or at latest right after reading this newsletter, like a chaser. Essentially this is his take on what “the red pill” is today, and what is has been during the internet’s short history. This includes how people use and misuse it, going half blue pill or half red pill, etc.
He takes the metaphor about as far as you can possibly go in a useful and authentic way.
While I support the basic thrust of GLO’s essay… I have a slightly different take on the same issue set. Fundamentally my position is the very title of this essay: that the red pill was always a lie, even from its earliest inception and use.
In fact you could say the red pill truth is the ultimate lie.
How is that so? How could that be the truth about the truth? That the red pill truth is itself a massive lie?
To understand that in the modern context of “red pilled” social media, spineless influencers, and popular normie culture we have to go back to the source. The original Matrix trilogy in general and the first movie in specific where we were first introduced to the red pill metaphor.
The fourth movie is completely retarded fan fiction and should be ignored, or ideally destroyed.
The Red Pill Journey
I didn’t come to this radical conclusion overnight. This awakening was a gradual process. My red pill journey exiting normie world has spanned the better part of 20 years, beginning in late 2005 when I found the early manosphere while still in high school.
It was at this moment that I began waking up, making uncomfortable changes in my life, and taking new actions that were not socially acceptable.
This epic journey took me around the world, building the world’s ultimate “red pill summits” across five countries and three continents. In the context of relationships and logistics, it’s a fact that I have been more central to the manosphere than any man alive. That was not my intention upon finding it.
The quote above from the self-proclaimed godfather of the red pill Rollo Tomasso (George Miller) deep throating my event is 100% real. In fact not only did Rollo and I share a business together for several years - The Red Man Group LLC - I am single handedly responsible for dragging Rollo out of the red pill closet in 2017 for the world to see for the first time.
For better and for worse, I built Rollo Tabasco. He even thanks me in his third book on Positive Masculinity for building him up. Indeed I tend to build all men up that are blessed enough to meet me and share my presence. I have an auto-amplification effect baked right in, the same way I auto-radicalize my readers and fans.
I bring this up because my own red pill journey has been particularly turbulent and intense. More than any manospherian alive probably. From globe trotting across dozens of countries and building epic events for men, to being blamed for the 2019 Manosphere Civil War aka “The Hypergamy Wars”, to single handedly fighting an army of frauds, to Making Women Great Again, to crowning Andrew Tate the “king of toxic masculinity” in his first major interview, to the infamous Marrying Medusa saga.
When Morpheus asks Neo if he’s being distracted by the woman in the red dress, I took that shit not as the intended warning, but as an instruction manual. When I see something dangerous, my first instinct is to head right for it and confront it. Where there is danger, there is knowledge.
This experience of waking up one day to discover I had accidentally married a prostitute was a particularly jumbo-sized red pill suppository in the traditional sense of the term. It caused me to find the red pill wing of the manosphere proper, and enlightened me to how superficial my understanding of women still was at the time.
I learned in a visceral way just how categorically ignorant I still was, and how much more there was to learn.
This led to an acceleration and further radicalization of my journey, leading ultimately to this essay today, informing you that the red pill itself is a huge lie.
The Illusion of Truth
There is some debate about when the second and third Matrix movies were written, and how this relates to the content of the first movie (including the red pill). Interestingly there has been very little meta-discussion that I’ve ever seen within the manosphere about these issues. Near zero in fact. [This is also a distinct issue from the Wachowski brothers trooning out and trying to make the red pill about hormones or something post hoc].
Personally I think it’s fair to view the original trilogy as a single, cohesive universe of ideas, characters, and events. Even in the absence of the second and third movies that expand on this universe however, there are enough clues in the first movie to conclude that there is something nefarious going on with the resistance and taking “the red pill” to wake up and face a harsh but supposedly true reality.
Morpheus for example in the first movie informs Neo that he has no idea what year it is, and as far as he knows neither does anyone else. Not one man or woman in the entire “last human city” of Zion has a clue what year it is, or even how long they’ve been fighting the machines.
This indicates in clear terms that - for one reason or another - they are long past oral tradition and even written history about the war and human civilization. Morpheus doesn’t have some great grandpa that “fought in the war” and passed on stories of the world before the fall of man to his own sons and grandsons. This does not exist for him or anyone else he knows.
The original movie makes clear that whatever year it is they are way past that shit, which should be alarming as a fact. They are supposedly fighting an epic war to save mankind from horrific slavery, yet are blind as bats to basic material facts like what year it is.
The real red pill is finally revealed in the second movie when Neo gets hungry and decides to go get some fried chicken from Colonel Sanders aka “the architect” and father of the matrix.
The architect reveals the real (objective) truth to Neo: that the red pill he took is an elaborate lie, a blue pill painted thinly in red. It was the illusion of truth, a lie unknown even to the black man dealing the drug, that he himself thought was legit. Essentially the red pill and the prophecy - the entire human resistance including the city of Zion breaking free from the Matrix - is a carefully designed protocol used to balance the Matrix program (as a farm of human slaves), and in particular handle uppity slaves like Morpheus and friends who reject the basic Matrix program.
The architect explains that - to his great frustration - there is always a small percentage of humans who reject the matrix programming, no matter how perfect (utopia) or realistic the design is.
These rebellious slaves are allowed to wake up and dick around with their little fake war against the machines, before ultimately being crushed, and the whole cycle starting over again.
The architect reveals that Neo is operating in the 6th iteration of this cycle, and that destroying Zion is something of a necessary game for the machines at this point. It is not a serious fight, but it is a necessary one, where they win every time.
He further informs Neo that the cycle is itself necessary due to human nature and “the problem of choice”. Basically humans have free will, and the illusion of choice is necessary to manage the species as cattle even if its only on “an unconscious level”. In other words, without “the red pill” and “the prophecy” and “the last human city of Zion” these defiant slaves would break the entire Matrix, fucking everything up for the robots.
The machines ultimately wouldn’t die he explains, but all humans would, and even the machines would be left with a substandard existence that they prefer to avoid. There is a sort of co-dependency between master and slave then, with the machine masters having a definitive upper hand. There’s no sugar coating it: the machines won a long time ago, and humans live only at their mercy now.
Neo realizes that the ultimate truth is far more grim than he initially thought, that the entire “resistance” is just a skeleton crew of controlled opposition, which in the end serve the machines.
Inspired by his love for Trinity, Neo then makes a revolutionary choice that the five previous iterations of “the One” did not make, risking all of humanity to save his love, and fighting a war that literally cannot be won no matter how hard they fight.
After this meeting with Colonel Sanders Neo returns to his friends and reveals this ugly, deeper truth, describing it1 as “another system of control”.
The Merovingian
Many of you right about now may be wondering about the infamous Andrew Tate, the John Gotti of social media aka “Teflon Tate” and warlord of the manosphere.
While Andrew is often described and marketed as a Morpheus or even Neo type figure in the modern social matrix, he is actually far more similar to the Merovingian character than any other.
Complete with big titty whores around him, living an opulent lifestyle of luxurious wealth and power, the Merovingian describes himself as a “trafficker of information”, functioning like a mafia boss.
He is no ally of the machines or the humans, mostly indifferent to their fight, operating like a chaotic third party with a tight focus on profit and power for himself.
The Merovingian is an exile that deals primarily with other exiles of the system.
Sound like anyone you know?
I draw this observation without any disrespect or “shade” intended towards Tate. This is simply who he is and always has been: mostly indifferent to the war, highly focused on building wealth and power, at virtually any cost.
In my view this is also how Andrew has always described himself, if you were paying close enough attention to what he was saying. “Cobra Tate” is more than a fighting name, it is his true name.
The Manosphere Playpen
What does this all mean?
It means that the ultimate source and original meaning of the red pill metaphor was always an elaborate lie, the illusion of truth, pretending to be the truth. Along with the movie’s prophecy it is simply another layer, another system of control, designed to manage the complexity of human nature and the more rebellious slaves that will always exist as outliers to the system.
The last human city of Zion in the movie is more or less a pigpen or playpen for rebellious humans. They believe they are fighting some valiant last stand for humanity, and in reality, they are pigs being prepared for routine slaughter by the machines. They have no hope of winning the war, they are just allowed to believe they do. The real truth is significantly more disturbing than any of them understand.
has some of the sharpest commentary on the manosphere as an online community and ecosystem that I’ve ever seen. I believe he would agree that on the whole, the manosphere never pursued a sincere counter revolution against feminism and all of the associated cultural forces that led to the existence of the manosphere in the first place.In his best selling book The Pillars of Wisdom (top of the charts here at TDL) he states plainly that while such an effort would probably have been doomed, it would have been better for the manosphere to at least make a last stand. A sincere, serious attempt to take over the culture and move the world forward.
At least take one shot at dethroning the queen of evil: feminism.
Instead, as I believe he would also concur, the manosphere has served primarily as a pigpen or playpen for fat beta piggies to be milked and fleeced. Meaning it has actually, if inadvertently, served as a containment area for revolutionary masculine energy.
This subtle containment prevented that energy from spilling out into wider culture where it could snowball into an authentic counter revolution to feminism, that terraforms the entire social fabric of the United States and Western Civilization at the same or greater intensity that feminism itself did throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.
This slick restraining effort was quite deliberate on the part of DHS and it’s associated agencies. They failed to contain MAGA and look how that’s going.
Further the manosphere prepared these pay pigs for their ultimate slaughter by gamma male frauds, “red pill hoes”, conservahoes, OnlySkanks, etc.
Think about it from the perspective of women who are natural destroyers and predators of beta males. The manosphere is a huge collection of fat, beta pay pigs, eager for female validation, ripe for slaughter.
While women were previously not welcome in the classical manosphere - a male space that excluded women by default - the modern manosphere welcomed these vampires and succubi in with open arms. As one manospherian just posted on my YouTube channel yesterday2
What's wrong with Pearl? Am I missing something?
A simple question that perfectly illustrates how hopeless and gullible so many of these men are. These men are so blind they don’t even know where to start, and wouldn’t know the truth if they tripped over it.
What women finally saw a few years ago were millions of naïve beta males, herded into a giant online playpen, ready to be pandered to, and sucked dry of money, attention, and algorithm energy, providing them nothing but emotional manipulation in return.
Which is exactly what happened. These betas had their souls sucked dry with ease by even average fat women pushing the right emotional pain buttons.
The manosphere was conquered by women. And feds, fags, frauds, tranny fuckers, and so on. But the kill shot was mostly women.
Probably the most hilarious phenomenon was watching beta slaves get fed directly into the slaughter of OnlyFans via Jerry Springer podcasts for zoomers funded by USAID and operated by DHS.
They promised to take you from “simp to pimp” but in reality it was “simp to pay pig slave banging five finger pussy” while they got rich off your misery before blowing it all on sneakers.
These predators literally created podcast line ups of OnlyFans hookers, collected super chats from angry frustrated chumps who want to fuck them but pretend to hate them, then put the hookers links in the video description, leading them directly to paying on OnlyFans five minutes after the show ends for their final emotional release.
They created a digital conveyor belt of feeding beta simps from mainstream social media into OnlyFans, further containing any revolutionary energy the manosphere had by releasing it pointlessly into tissue paper.
Why do you think the girls go on these shows? It’s a gold mine.
They understand perfectly that the audiences are filled with socially retarded horny beta males that are a piece of cake for them to manipulate. It’s like taking candy from a baby for them.
I’m not trying to black pill you guys, yet it is important you understand just how grim “the real” red pill truth is.
From the first time that metaphor ever showed up on movie screens, it was never intended to represent the cold harsh truth. It’s entire purpose thematically was to represent the illusion of truth, both for the viewer and the characters themselves.
The translation to real life in part is this: more than 90% of the “influencers” you see posting crap online are complete frauds, especially the ones promising you the truth. Whether they hail from the manosphere or conservative politics or fitness or whatever, makes no difference. Many of these people are actively malicious and parasitic, the rest are at best clueless. They pretend to fight the system and “mainstream” yet will die to defend it.
Most of social media is one giant, loud and annoying, late night infomercial at this point.
The situation is exponentially worse than you realize.
Not all hope is lost though.
At the end of the third movie Matrix Revolutions, Neo negotiates a new peace with the machines, in exchange for defeating Agent Smith - a virus that’s a serious threat to them.
This peace doesn’t end the matrix or defeat the machines, but it’s the best possible outcome to a horrific war and situation.
In real life, we need a peaceful revolution that overthrows the entire matriarchal social order. Much the same way feminism revolted against the patriarchal social order, and sent civilization hurtling towards catastrophic death and destruction.
Over 70 million innocent American babies have been murdered in this war so far since the rise of feminism. The greatest genocide in all of history happened right here at home, among a litany of other civilization ending consequences these cunts enacted.
If there is any chance of this ever happening, we need someone to openly and clearly call for this revolution
We need a Malcolm X of the manosphere.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson
If the red pill was a lie and was the guiding philosophy or foundation for the old manosphere, then what will be the foundation for the new manosphere then? Ayn Rand’s Objectivism?