What’s up my man.
Today’s newsletter is a direct sequel to Indian Boss Babes published earlier this year, regarding fitness influencer, Twitter edge lord, and masculinity guru AJ Cortes, as well as his (feminist) wife Preethi Reddy Kasireddy who still refuses to submit and take his last name.
That newsletter ruffled a lot of feathers.
Some old speakers, attendees, random readers. Showed me just how much elbow grease its gonna take to wake these beta slaves up.
Fear not boys, daddy Dream is here with a digital baseball bat.
Long time reader Ian Smith from New Jersey gym fame instantly unsubscribed from this newsletter for example after reading that newsletter. This was strange since it had nothing to do with him and made no mention of him.
Yet here he was getting triggered like a liberal snowflake. Huh. Weird.
Then I remembered oh ya, Ian just married a single mom with a bunch of tattoos.
I wonder how that relationship is going to turn out 5 years from now, and who really runs that relationship in the meantime?
I wish Ian well. He’s a patriot who loves his country. Yet I know the answer to both of those questions is not good. I’ll be nailed to the cross not for being wrong about that, but for daring to raise those kinds of questions, not to mention being right in the end.
I’m hated not for my vices, but my virtues.
Today’s newsletter also shares some relationship with The Appearance of Perfection post and Trad Wives Gone Wild.
Loosely speaking you could say they are all part of the same ongoing mini-series on manosphere patriarch bros.
Today’s post is going to cover AJ and his wife’s response to my newsletter. There will be a final follow up that ties the whole mini series of posts together soon enough.
As you may have guessed, I have some rather blunt opinions to share.
First things first, did they read it?
Oh ya, same day. Instablock, joining a long list of influencers from Jordan Benzo Peterson to the “fearless” Tomi Lahren who have also blocked me.

This was not surprising.
I’m not sure if Alexander is a Jew bastard like Jesus was per se - literally the bastard son of a Jewish woman - as I don’t know all the details of AJ’s upbringing.
BUT as explored in the original Indian Boss Babes newsletter he is definitely a classic Jewish mamma’s boy raised by a Jewish single mom. That much is factually accurate.
Like any good mamma’s boy AJ’s lifelong dream before becoming a Chadzilla masculinity guru was (literally) to become a male ballet dancer aka a ballerino.
Not the end of the world but noteworthy. This is what, one step shy of being a male cheerleader?
AJ and his wife were clearly upset by what I wrote.
You see, as revealed in the original boss babes post, you weren’t supposed to know that AJ was brazenly lying about pumping Preethi full of baby batter out of wedlock.
She was several months pregnant by the time they married.
This was supposed to stay a secret, something he asked me and a dozen other 21 Convention speakers to keep.
I never liked that, but also, it was a private matter then, not a huge deal.
Some of you might say I’m nit picking here. But in my world, Dream world, my Spidey senses started tingling when I saw AJ beating random people over the head with these lies in public on his Twitter.
Followers who were astute enough to do the math and realize he was lying. AJ was doubling down on these people, followed by swift blocks to silence and remove them from his timeline.
My own Twitter goons suffered the same fate asking AJ about this after my newsletter went out. Block block block.
In my judgement - what my gut instinct was telling me - is that this bold faced lying revealed serious character defects in AJ, that were not going to be isolated to this context.
The way a man does one thing is the way he does everything.
Meaning this would have implications in his marriage, relationships, and other dealings. This behavior was fundamentally dishonest and inconsistent with his spoken beliefs.
Alexander is supposed to be big fan of masculinity, honor, and courage. The courage to speak the truth for example, to face reality.
The courage to stand up to your cold bitch of a wife. A courage most men in America lack today.
Stolen Virtue
Most of you followed the 2024 election pretty closely. In that sense you are probably familiar with the stolen valor issue that plagued the Kamabla campaign early on after her installation by the deep state and DNC.
It was a big issue at the time, following her and Tim around like a ghost, and had a meaningful impact on the election.
Veterans really, really hate this shit and rightly so.
In this sense I realized that what AJ was helping his wife pull off was in fact a form of “stolen virtue”. He was a liar, she was a thief, and he was her simp partner in this crime.
Most of you will recall that I also knocked my beloved baby mamma Allyssa up out of wedlock with my alpha male magic super sperm. She took a lot of heat for that publicly. Hundreds, maybe thousands of incel troll comments on YouTube and elsewhere calling our daughter a bastard.
People openly hoping our daughter would “end up on the pole” and worse.
Nasty stuff.
A significant pressure campaign was on as well for me to marry her before our daughter was born (rather than just be engaged).
I chose not to. At a basic level both the government and your god mean nothing to me.
All that mattered was my family and the 4 walls of patriarchy I was building. The rest of you can get fucked or come swing on me.
I never lied for Allyssa because unlike Alexander Cortes, I’m not a fucking liar, nor is Allyssa a chicken afraid to stand by me against a mob of assholes.
I am an Objectivist from A to Z. I am a fanatic for the truth. Lies in contrast are the negation of reality and the ultimate enemy of objective truth.
A direct and intentional distortion of objective reality.
Lies in other words are an insult to my religion and to existence itself. Which lies? All of them basically.
For a masculinity and fitness guru like AJ then - who’s entire job revolves around selling the alleged truth about specific issues - this is alarming for me to observe.
AJ’s job is not selling whole life insurance or vacuum cleaners. His job is to sell the truth to men.
AJ’s Response
This final message from AJ is very revealing when you peel back the bullshit in a
“psychological leaking” sense.First, I believe AJ wrote this assuming I would screenshot and post it as cannon fodder. This “they go low we go high” bullshit was the first message I had got from AJ in nearly 2 years.
I could be wrong, but I checked all our messages and never once had this dude actually messaged and congratulated me on becoming a father. The idea that we were “friends” then is a stretch, and “good luck in fatherhood” rings hollow given the above.
A lot of speakers were like this. They really couldn’t give a shit less about me one way or the other, I’m just useful for The 21 Convention. Pause that? Fuck that Anthony guy.
There’s a bigger picture to understand here though. What AJ is doing is a form of DARVO or Deny Attack Reverse Victim and Offender.
You’ve probably met several women in your life who have used some variation of this to manipulate you. It’s a very womanly thing to do, but unsurprising for a Jewish mamma’s boy ballerina.
AJ was directly confronted by me - publicly - for lying about something important. For weaponizing those lies to bludgeon people with on Twitter, his own followers in fact.
These are specific, material facts about his life and marriage that he was distorting.
Rather than respond directly to my confrontation - publicly or privately - he diverts all attention away from the issues, blocks, and runs away.
Like a bitch.
He’s oh so disappointed.
I’m disappointed in you too Alexander, but that’s not really the point in either direction is it? The point is he’s lying about shit, real stuff in real life.
A superior man - an apex alpha male patriarch like myself - would never do this goofy shit in the first place. At bare minimum the correct alpha male response would be to what?
Do all the shit AJ talks about. Take responsibility. Stop lying. Admit fault. Have and practice a code of honor.
Something like “Hey Anthony I don’t appreciate the way you went about this but you’re right, I fucked up, and I’m going to stop lying about it or talking about it entirely”.
But our favorite Jewish mamma’s boy didn’t do that. Instead he tries run away and flip all this on me on the way out the door.
Anthony always does this. What’s wrong with you Anthony, you’re such an asshole.
Yeah I am a fucking asshole. An asshole on a mission for truth and justice. I take no prisoners and have no mercy for liars and frauds.
Which is my final point on AJ’s response here. He intentionally mischaracterizes me as a sort of hot head who just randomly goes after people.
But that is never, ever the case, and AJ knows that better than most. There is a method to the madness and always a specific reason I’m pissed.
Like the first go around, some of you will get super butt hurt by this post. Vaginal males will bleed.
Why do you gotta get so personal Anthony? Can’t you just talk about ideas? Muh drama.
It is possible to get too far into the weeds with people and personalities. Dramatubers on YouTube who just endlessly bitch about other people are indeed annoying to me. It’s useless click bait nonsense.
However, the baby that gets thrown out with the bathwater here is this: ideas applied to real life involve real people.
So it’s fine to talk about ideas in principle and impersonally. That’s important too. But so is applying those ideas to reality. To real situations, real lies, and real relationships. Real ass shit yo.
This is where all the beta males run away on this issue, because beta males (like Alexander) are naturally conflict avoidant as you saw. He ran away just like his mamma taught him.
Beta males love running away from conflict, never facing and confronting it. This is why women hate them, and this is why AJ’s wife runs his ass.
She is the more dominant, co-dependent narcissist of the two, and mark my words, she will drive that marriage right into the ground.
This is true of most “trad relationships” you see glittering on the internet like this.
It’s all bullshit.
Almost zero of these guys actually own their wives and run shit behind closed doors. They are all beta bitches. Not alpha males. Not patriarchs.
Cucked and tucked betas. Their online avatar is an illusion.
This leads me to ask IS THERE NO ONE ELSE?
Because it sure as shit feels like it sometimes.
Last of the fucking Mohicans up in here with the patriarchy. Get it together folks.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson
There is no standing up to High Caste Indian Women. Their entire existence is to act as colonial enforcer on behalf of the British. Thats what they were bred to do.
I don't know anything about AJ. But I do understand Indian women, as a consequence of fitness coaching their men.
Apart fron bringing African Slaves to the Carribean to harvest sugar cane, the British brought Indians as middle managers to oversee those slaves. Kamala Harris is the dependant of those middle managers.