Tyranny is any political system (whether absolute monarchy or fascism or communism) that does not recognize individual rights (which necessarily include property rights). The overthrow of a political system by force is justified only when it is directed against tyranny: it is an act of self-defense against those who rule by force. For example, the American Revolution. The resort to force, not in defense, but in violation, of individual rights, can have no moral justification; it is not a revolution, but gang warfare.
-Ayn Rand
What’s up man.
The above quote is from the greatest philosopher in history Ayn Rand. She had a lot to say about revolution, having lived through the bloody Russian revolution as a teenager in the early 20th century.
She watched the blood of millions pour into the streets. Then and always a daddy’s girl, she watched the government steal and destroy her father’s small business that supported their family.
She witnessed first hand the long term consequences of mysticism, altruism, and collectivism. She witnessed the evil that these forces produce. The evils of genocide, slavery, suffering, misery, and death.
Once in America she spent most of her life advocating for a philosophy of reason and reality, and against the evils of communism, collectivism, and altruism.
In 1947 this prophet testified in front of the US Congress to the evils and murderous nature of communism. Warning that communism was infiltrating Hollywood and America. She was laughed at in disbelief by congressmen of her day. “Devout Christians” I presume.
And now the American Union sits on the precipice of becoming a fat gay dickless tranny version of the Soviet Union. A world leader in chopping off the dicks/balls/tits of teenage kids like this 16 year old girl.
Ayn had a quote I was trying to find for this newsletter. I couldn’t find the exact quote but it went something like this.
The real revolution begins in the mind, not in the streets.
Revolutions that pour into the streets tend to be the conclusion after decades of philosophic development, decay, or propaganda.
Paging the ghost of Yuri Bezmenov on line 1.
Most normies don’t think of feminism as a revolution. Yet it was a total revolution in America across every domain of life. From home to the workplace, local and state governments, the entire federal government, every branch of law enforcement, the entire US military, amendments to our constitution, and every courtroom across the land.
Every movie studio and newsroom across our country genuflects and worships at the altar of feminism.
Feminism is in fact a murderous, totalitarian, suicidal ideology that killed over 70 million American babies. Feminism was America’s holocaust that genocided an entire generation of our children.
No dissent is allowed from feminism. Go ahead and call feminism gay at your job. HR will have you fired faster than you can blink.
You’re not allowed to say that because you’re not allowed to think that. They control your speech to control how you think and enslave your actions.
Feminists to their credit worked hard and long at achieving their revolution, from 1848 onwards in America.
In the end feminists were allowed to have their revolution because it aligned with the state and the elites. Destroying the family aka “smashing the patriarchy”, obliterating the middle class, getting women out of the (tax-free) home, doubling the labor market, lowering wages, pushing millions of people to have strangers raise and indoctrinate their children, and then collapsing fertility itself.
In the end they aren’t just going to genocide babies, they are going to genocide you.
Feminism is the ultimate enemy of America and mankind. It strikes at the very roots of civilization and freedom. As I’ve said before this century either America is going to die or feminism (and America) is going to die. You can’t have both.
One of the things that disgusted me most about the old manosphere, and why I’m building a new manosphere in an act of mano-secession, was how the revolutionary spirit was castrated from it in favor of $2 super chats simping for chubby whores.
We need a revolution of patriarchy in America by any means lawful and necessary. Stated differently, America is going to die if we do not rebuild a new, better American patriarchy.
The collapse will be somewhere between Soviet style and Roman style. America becoming a third world shithole would be a soft landing. A hard landing would be billions of people being vaporized as the geo-political landscape realigned.
That means 90% of Americans dying, and that probably includes you. Either when the bombs drop, or via starvation and so on.
The problem is no one in this country has the balls to call for patriarchy. To first ask for it, and then demand it.
Do you think these loud mouth conservawhore cunts are going to bring back the patriarchy and just walk back to the kitchen? Not in a million years.
What about this fucking cucked loser and his jezebel daughter?
That’s his infant granddaughter sitting behind his near naked adult daughter by the way. An on and off divorced single mom with herpes.
Is this your beta king good sir?
The truth is most of you follow false prophets, false gods, and beta male pussies on a professional level.
Jordan Benzo Peterson has openly stated he supports most of feminism. He will never call for women to leave the military, law enforcement, elected office, the workplace, etc.
He couldn’t even father his own daughter. Look at this jezebel whore.
Mikhaila looks like an OnlyFans grandma in training. Don’t be surprised when she literally opens an OF page to milk her beta simps a little harder.
You can look forward to paying $9.99/month for Andrew Tate’s sloppy seconds.
America is doomed without patriarchy.
The good news is there is at least one man left in this country with the balls to call for a revolution of patriarchy by any means necessary and lawful.
No one else can get it done. No one else is even trying.
Do you think the Christians will save you?
Think again. They are completely cucked. Slaves to feminism and fat women. Formerly hidden dens of butt sex and sin, they now openly fly the flags of Satan in their churches and schools.
Your faith will not save you or America.
Feminism has already conquered and pegged your religion. Feminists don’t even use lube anymore.
Soon there will be female Catholic priests due to a lack of regular faggot priests.
The second final Catholic pope will in fact be a woman, representing the final submission of your religion to Lucifer.
But the kill shot won’t be a chick pope, it will be worse still. At the very end of the Roman Catholic church, the final pope will be a dickless tranny.
That is how far your church will fall and surrender to the evil of feminism.
Fear not, the protestants will be 10 steps ahead of you.
The good news is, you control the 4 walls of patriarchy in your own home right now. So none of this ancient woo woo blood magic bullshit will matter.
The new manosphere will call for a full throat rebuilding of a new American patriarchy. We will call for all women to get back in the fucking kitchen.
To leave the workforce, the military, law enforcement, and elected office.
This very day, right now, you don’t need any laws to change.
You can vow today to never vote for a woman again for as long as you live. To push all of your friends and family to do the same. To never vote for a woman on the basis of sex.
You can speak the truth in real life with the authority and power to cut through bone. With no filter, no mercy, and no regret.
You can choose to be an alpha male and raise hell at Thanksgiving dinner in a few weeks. Mock and shame women for being feminists. For being bitchy cunts who disobey their husbands and won’t shut the fuck up.
Tonight you can tell your fat fucking wife to get on her knees and pray to your dick. And then hit the gym when she’s done.
You can tell your fat fucking feminist bitch of a mother to shove it up her ass.
You too can find the hero in your own soul to do the right thing. To rebuild a new patriarchy one brick at a time.
Alternatively, you can sit around with your thumb up your ass as feminism burns your country to ashes and dust. Wishing you had listened to that one crazy newsletter guy many years ago, before it was too late.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson