What’s up man.
I’m happy to announce that my good friend and your favorite dating coach Pat Stedman is officially a free man as of yesterday after spending a full year in federal prison.
A full year of fatherhood and patriarchy stolen from his family forever.
Pat spoke at my events including The 21 Convention, The 22 Convention, and The Patriarch Convention for a total of 6 speeches from 2019-2022.
After 18 long years in the business there aren’t many dating coaches I respect these days, but men like Zan Perrion, Pat Stedman, Alan Roger Currie (RIP) and James Marshall are among the few that I do.
Pat is a man of extreme integrity and iron will. He’s a patriot who loves his country and was falsely accused, fraudulently prosecuted, and wrongly convicted for walking around a building on January 6th 2021.
Didn’t hurt anyone, didn’t damage any property, was let in by police.
4 years in federal fucking prison, plus fines and other shit for that. For trespassing.
He spent over $225,000 in attorney fees and court fees defending himself. Convicted on all counts.
You can read all the details about his case here.
Unlike most fucking beta males who don’t walk their talk, Andrew Tate was among the first to step up and send Pat $30k for legal fees.
Before Andrew was mega famous, he put his money where his fucking mouth was.
Truth be told Pat is among hundreds of “January 6th” defendants who were targeted for destruction by American gestapo. Their lives were ruined before the trials even began. Pat like many others was kicked off everything from Venmo to Paypal to social media and so on just for being there.
Just based off allegations alone, the machine sought to destroy him.
January 6th for the record was fucking awesome. It should be named a federal holiday. I remember watching it all go down on Twitter in real time. This is fucking awesome, look at all these pussy congress faggots hiding like the cowards they are.
There’s no such thing as an “unarmed insurrection”. This was a peaceful protest that got slightly rowdy in spite of Trump calling for them to protest “peacefully and patriotically”.
The hit job that legacy media and big tech have done since then on this day is nothing short of treasonous. The most dishonest, distorted, cancerous, weaponized hyperbole in the past 100 years of American history.
What the US government did to Pat and other patriots like him was nothing short of criminal.
From the hundreds of federal agents planted in the crowd on January 6th onwards, to the corrupt DOJ, to the prosecutors, judges, even jurors.
I have no sympathy or mercy for any of these people. I hope they all live shitty lives and then burn in hell for eternity. When people lie to you (brainwash you), their actions are not your fault.
But it is your responsibility to puke up the lies and focus on reality. The same way it was your responsibility to pay attention and reject lies in the first place.
So fuck all those people. Vichy Americans as far as I’m concerned.
Pat should have never even been charged with anything, much less convicted
No punishment would have been absolute and fair justice. A slap on the wrist like 100 hours “community service”? Not a big deal.
What the DOJ actually did going after Pat and Americans like him was criminally insane. Never forgive, never forget.
I am convinced Pat being a coach, influencer, and manosphere figure is in part what inspired such lunacy against him. They made an example out of him, no criminal record be damned.
Pat got out like 3 years early only due to a recent SCOTUS ruling from earlier this year that somehow dismissed/reversed most of the charges against him and other J6 patriots.
I am convinced Trump is going to win by a big margin, crush that bitch, and then issue a pardon for Pat personally, as well as hundreds of other patriots screwed by a brazenly corrupt system.
A presidential pardon from Trump? Lifetime achievement award.
The most egregious thing of all though? It’s what I told Pat in a letter.
That some of his life, some of his fatherhood was stolen from him, his wife, and his children forever.
Like Pat I’m a young father. My daughter is the love of my life and watching her grow up the past 15 months has been life changing beyond words.
That even one day, much less one full year, of his fatherhood was stolen from him and his family makes me virulently, unhinged fucking angry.
Several years of “house arrest” and probation still would have been 100x excessive for the false allegations against Pat by the DOJ, yet still, would have been far less damaging to his family.
Had Pat had to serve the entire 4 years per the initial sentencing, his family would end up missing out on one, maybe two more children ever existing.
That is how fucking evil the federal government is. I hate those people and I hope they all rot in hell.
All that said, make sure you tune in to Pat Stedman’s first live stream since leaving jail on Tuesday October 29th 6:30pm est.
You can also watch the family reunion video here on his Twitter.
Finally you should send Pat money, he still has major legal bills to pay.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson