
Making Women Great Again 🎥

My full appearance with Piers Morgan and Mary Poppins.

What’s up man.

If you’ve been around for a few years you recall my viral campaign to Make Women Great Again. A campaign that took the hearts, minds, and cooters of women by storm around America and the world.

This was a non-stop social media and news sensation in the 2 months leading up to the scamdemic COOFID apocalypse. At one point I tallied up all of the accounts and shares it had on social media, and the number of accounts it reached was over 150 million.

Assuming half of those accounts are bots, that’s still an astounding ~75 million people bitching about it.

And there was a lot of bitching.

Pockets of the manosphere who hated me were jealous and bitching.

Fat feminist pigs were bitching.

Vichy male slaves were bitching.

Celebrities like George Takei and Alyssa Milano were bitching.

The fake news was bitching.

Shit even local radio was bitching. Not only in Florida but across America and other countries.

Everyone was bitching.

Even several speakers from my own event were bitching - like beta male Alexander Cortes. They wanted me to “tone it down” and dial the marketing back a bit.

Haha. Gay.


“Not one fucking inch” I told them.

AJ at least had the stones back then to swing around and apologize 8 months later about that with a “you were right”.

Protests were starting to organize in Orlando for the event on Reddit and Facebook groups. They were even trying to get one of my sisters fired from her job - she was manager at a major theme park at the time.

This is when I started getting real death threats for (almost) the first time in my life. Not just internet messages either, stuff in the mailbox at my house. I reported one of these to the local Sheriff’s office.

At one point I just checked out from everything. I shut my laptop off, threw my phone on airplane mode, and played Zelda Breath of the Wild for like 3 days straight.

Everyone can eat shit bro, I got monsters to slay and rupees to collect.

Towards the end of January 2020 Good Morning Britain reached out. I had turned down some smaller, local TV interview offers up to that point. I wanted my first appearance on live TV to be big.

This was that moment. Piers Morgan? Works for me bro.

So we set things up. They wanted me to bring one of the speakers on too. Mike

of all people recommended I bring a woman on who supported what I was doing - and someone sharp as hell. The theory was it would be a curve ball they would have trouble dealing with.

I forget how I found her but eventually I reached out to the lovely Professor

from Canada. She was on board after a long phone call.

Then before I knew it there was a nice Tesla picking me up at 2am for the interview, which was broadcasting live from London their morning time.

Even if you’ve been around for a while, you’ve probably never seen the full interview with Janice and I. You’ve probably just seen clips on YouTube like this one with 1.4 million views.

Or you’ve seen the 8 minute edited version GMB published here.

The full appearance clocks in at over 18 minutes however, published today on The Dream Lounge for your viewing pleasure.

Janice nails her part as the good cop. The calm, cool professor running circles around Piers and Mary Poppins.

I chose to be the bad cop in this story, professional and calm but openly combative throughout almost the entire interview.

Both Janice and I were speaking “blind” as well, meaning they could see us but we had no visual of the studio in London. We were just talking into ear pieces looking dead on at a camera lens.

There was also a major audio delay, like a good 5 seconds. This adds to the hilarity of the interview and me talking over Mary Poppins even more than I intended. I think this was intentional on their part to beep out any curse words or cut the interview off if desired.

It was a fun moment in the history of the manosphere and my own career as a humble event planner and apex alpha male stud muffin.

Enjoy the full video.

/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson

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