What’s up man.
A lot of you have been around for several years, but few of you have been around reading my newsletters and following my events for 10+ years.
The few of you who have been reading that long are probably not so surprised at my current sabbatical from creating live events and videos. While I started organizing yearly events in 2006 just a few weeks out of high school for the manosphere, I didn’t take my first break until 2013.
As I detailed here in Fighting to Your Last Breath, 2012 was brutal even for an apex alpha male like myself. Three events, on three continents, in a 6 month window, with zero employees or even interns.
Just balls to the wall hustling. 2013 was a much needed break from event work.
Then once again in 2015 there was no event. As with 2013 I focused instead on building out the video side of my business.
I’m not the only one in this online ecosystem who takes breaks. Elliott Hulse if I understand history correctly hit 1 million subs on YouTube in 2014, and not so long after that took an extended break from making videos.
I remember watching him out here screaming in the rain when he hit that milestone. A million fans is a big deal even today, but back then it was a colossal achievement.
Elliott like me has also done a lot of live events for men. Not just the outdoors Grounding Camp I mentioned yesterday either, a wide variety of events. To my knowledge he’s built over a dozen live events for men, some quite large with hundreds of attendees.
It’s serious work building shit like this in real life. The logistics, the sales, marketing, branding, videography, contracts, volunteers, security, photography, testimonials, and of course the content.
Elliott basically creates events for however long he wants, in whatever style he wants, and then pauses or starts them back up. This isn’t surprising because again, it’s fucking hard. Live events are some of the hardest, most complex work you can do in the “content creation” space, manosphere and otherwise.
Once I started my events back up in 2016 they were non-stop through 2022. Two events in 2016, the 10 year anniversary in 2017, our biggest event ever in 2018, three international events in 2019 including the birth of The Patriarch Convention, then the birth of 21 Summit in 2020 due to COVID alongside the birth of the Make Women Great Again 22 Convention.
Wash/rinse/repeat for 2021 and 2022.
This here is fucking hard to think up, plan, and execute successfully.
This doesn’t even include the dinners, workshops, and The 21 Report interview series being filmed.
Nothing else like this has ever been done or event attempted in the manosphere. It’s that bad ass and I’m that fucking good.
But it’s more than some sort of talent or refined skill I mastered over decades. I’m a man on a mission.
I have a dream and I am the Dream.
And my dream is, I want feminism to die and America to live.
This is a big dream.
For this to happen we’re talking about overthrowing the entire social order of our day. We’re talking about pounding and face fucking the matriarchy back to the stone age.
Throwing out 150 years of feminist “progress”. Ripping feminism out of American life and culture entirely.
Gutting it from our schools, our governments, our homes, our families, our hearts, minds, and souls.
My dream to abolish feminism is a change so radical that the effects would rival the abolishment of slavery in 1800s America. What I want is a peaceful counter revolution to feminism that destroys it entirely, replacing it with a bold new American patriarchy.
I am in fact an abolitionist and I am hated for it. People want me dead. Like this fat fucking whale.
It’s a curious thing to me that Piers Morgan of all people was the first to describe my mission as “abolishing feminism”. This is perfect branding and perfectly accurate. I’m quite thankful he made this comment.
The death of feminism then is something I’ve been thinking a lot about in my paternity leave. What will it actually take to accomplish that?
Can it be done or will America collapse long before then?
Will feminism naturally suffocate under the pressures of time and entropy?
If it will die a natural death can and should be help it along to an early grave?
What ideas or inventions need to be created to make all this happen?
One basic fact that has hit me like a truck is that no one is even fighting this war or calling for the end of feminism. There are no religious leaders calling for feminism to be sent back to hell in my country.
There are no politicians. Public speakers. Authors. “Influencers”. No one really.
No one but me and perhaps
. How shameful is it that this nice Canadian woman has bigger balls than my own countrymen?How sad is that? How far we have fallen as men. Bunch of mamma’s boy cry babies in this feminism shithole of a country.
Think about it though. There is not a single corporation, powerful billionaire, non-profit organization, anything or anyone else actually calling for the end of feminism.
Not even one.
If you wanted to throw $10k at an anti-feminist organization you literally would have no where to send your money to. It’s that barren of a wasteland.
To my knowledge I’m the only American who went on a national TV show and cited feminism as a serious national security threat that will kill America and our allies left unchecked.
Look at the real results of feminism. Look at the hooligans that feminism created, burning, looting, and murdering.
BLM would never exist without feminism.
WOKE would never exist without feminism.
Transgender insanity would never exist without feminism.
All these fucking tumors come from one underlying super cancer.
I don’t even think “the deep state” would exist without feminism. Strong, masculine, bold men leading their country wouldn’t allow a hidden 4th branch of government to exist like this.
It would be strangled from day one and old George would be proud.
I want feminism to die. To be legally, peacefully, politically abolished across every dimension.
I want it to be replaced with Broad Spectrum Patriarchy™.
Currently I’m trying to figure out what it’s going to take to actually do that.
Talking with a friend earlier this year, I realized money was never going to be the issue because there is no amount of money you can throw at this problem to fix it.
Elon Musk is famously on a mission to “kill woke” after it turned his son into a tranny. This is an honorable goal, and so far he seems to be moving in that direction quite strongly.
You could reasonably argue he just installed Donald Trump back in the White House as a general in this war on woke. That’s how pissed this dude is, with the money to back it.
But even if you threw say a billion dollars at killing feminism - and I’m happy to take your billion, hit me up to send a check bro - even this colossal amount of money would only make a dent.
Feminism is a goliath social and political movement with over 150 years of momentum, hundreds of millions of people brainwashed balls deep, and trillions of dollars spent pushing it.
Even a cool billion is pissing in the wind.
That said, feminism is still a thing that was born and will die someday, as all things do. The feminism you grew up knowing in the 80s/90s/2000s will cease to exist someday. In fact it will one day be forgotten, maybe a small footnote in history as a bizarre and retarded social experiment.
And since it is a thing feminism has a certain power level to it. Meaning we have to find a way to overpower it. Money can help lubricate that process but in itself will never be enough, even extreme amounts of wealth like with Elon vs. Woke.
These issues are what I’ve set my mind to chewing on since I cancelled the 2023 event.
What will it take to kill feminism and achieve my dream?
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson