What’s up man.
In today’s newsletter we’re going to discuss how to legally breed 16 year old women. In fact we’re going to discuss a whole range of issues in this breeding young women subject area.
For those of you who are new to The Dream Lounge or otherwise are a big beta pussy scared of your own shadow 24 hours a day, better buckle up faggot, you’re in for a wild ride today on the Dream express train (no brakes folks).
First of all there is a lot “pearl clutching”, faux virtue signaling, and false information about impregnating underage women both currently and from a historical perspective. We’ll mostly focus on present day America but I’ll make some historical side notes as we go along.
Now I’m raising this issue of breeding young women in the newsletter because I’ve been asked to condemn my good friend Andrew Tate on these issues many thousands of times. I have refused and take personal offense to this request. Allow me to explain.
In the opening photo of this newsletter you see my maternal grandma and grandpa on their wedding day in 1935. You see my grandma was the closest thing I had to a secure attachment and responsible parent growing up. Both of my parents were imbecile super boomers. I was beaten bloody and abandoned on a regular basis growing up. My father was a violent psychopathic alcoholic who beat my mother, me, and my brother without mercy.
My father drove drunk, 10-20 beers deep on a daily basis. As a child I would go to the gas station with him to restock on beer, 12 beers deep. Sometimes he would get the big 36 pack of Icehouse and down that in a single day, doing 40mph over the speed limit the entire time.
He drove like this with me, my siblings, even our young friends in the car, all the time. It was rare that he would drive a car or boat sober.
My mother for her part was slightly less toxic, but still a co-alcoholic (where “co-dependent” comes from) vapid enabler of this shit show. In the early 2000s my dad beat her quite badly, worse than usual. She was considering going to law enforcement finally, so he dumped $25k in her personal checking account to keep her quiet/go on a spending spree.
This sort of bribery and neglect was common at home growing up. The kind where you sell the safety of your own children out for literal cash in the bank. The worst sort of degenerate whoring.
My grandma who lived in town was the only sensible adult family member I had access to growing up. She was a devout, old school Catholic, but not the icy cold Catholic snooty cunt kind, the warm and loving kind.
And every single night I spent at her house, ever, my entire childhood, I saw her pray for hours for my grandfather that I had never met. He had died before my parents even met, over a decade before I was born.
Her loyalty and commitment to my grandfather was absolute and unyielding. Well beyond “ride or die”. She took “till death do us part” and added more than 30 years of nightly, meditative prayer to the recipe.
She prayed for him daily until the day she died at 91 years old.
Without realizing it at the time, this calm but extreme devotion to your spouse is what imprinted on me by example as the proper, healthy relationship between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife.
As demonstrated by her actions my grandmother loved my grandfather with an absolute, almost divine intensity. This was a major black and white contrast to my own parents who had a polar opposite, incredibly toxic, violent, and chaos filled relationship until the day my dad died in 2023.
My father literally died in violation of a restraining order, after threatening to kill my mother when he got out of jail, in front of two police officers, who were arresting him for beating her up yet again.
Manosphere bros can try to trivialize my grandma to being “alpha widowed” but I believe this is a mistake of putting lipstick on a pig of nihilism. Her love for my grandfather was both sincere, radical, and literally permanent.
These concepts being applied to love: radical intensity, sincerity, and permanence are alien to both Zoomers and Red Pill Retards (any age) alike. They don’t get it. Everything is ironic and nothing is real. This is how deep their normie brainwashing goes.
Yet I saw this with my own eyes and ears for decades as a little kid and later a teenager. I have no doubt my grandma would be upset I am a retired Catholic today, but in a sense would be quite proud of my radical intensity. Much of this comes directly from her example.
This intensity I have to live, to create, to fight for my values has in turn inspired thousands, even millions of other men to live in a similar way. The old ways.
Now as you may have read in the photo caption my grandma was 16 when they married and my grandfather was 25. This age gap is almost identical to my own marital age gap (8.5 yrs) with my beloved wife and baby mamma Allyssa aka
.You see those of you who sucked with girls in high school/college have no idea what bullets you dodged. Most of the millennial chicks I went to school with for example are washed up single moms, old farts, and fat fuckin pigs these days. The same is (or will soon be) true for you.
As an apex alpha male stud muffin you deserve better. Like me you deserve a hot young thin white woman with big milk jugs, not some old bag with dusty eggs, tattoos, and a body count rivaling John Wick.
A nice young spring chicken like me and grandpa got.
Now these gold diggers and hoes don’t want you to know any of that. They will shame you for dating only younger women, not these post wall old fart wine-a-holic queens of the Cat Kingdom.
With all this in mind, no, I will not ever condemn Andrew Tate for talking about these issues with me - even asking me about the age of consent in America which varies state by state, during my third interview with him.
Because I won’t condemn the love and marriage of my own grandparents.
Go fuck yourself.
I exist because they got married, had my uncle right away (who just died recently), and later my mom. Why would I condemn my own creation and existence? The suggestion is beyond stupid and irrational.
I would not be the man I am today without my grandma in general, and in specific to her example of loving my grandfather, so much, even beyond his death for decades.
This kind of love is inspiring and I think the worst of you disgusting shit bags for trying to shit all over it due to my grandma’s age and/or their age gap.
Fuck you. I hope you rot in hell for all eternity.
If you’re against their marriage in principle then you are against their marriage specifically. You don’t get to selectively exclude relationships that work out to suit your own retarded bullshit.
Now every time this clip of me and Andrew gets edited, distorted, and cut I am going to link your dumb ass right to this essay so I can digitally shove it up your ass.
Every 3-6 months this section of our interview in Miami gets taken out of context to slander Andrew and to some extent me. It typically does 1-2M views each go around just on Twitter. The interview in total probably has over 30M views, maybe a lot more considering early Tik Tok views before his mass ban.
The truth is in America right now you can get married underage and legally breed your new wife in 33 out of 50 states. That’s even considering statutory rape laws1 which are usually drafted to work around young marriages.
Like what are you supposed to do, throw a young husband in jail for knocking his… wife up? Are you stupid or retarded?
While controversial in “modern times” the state is acting sensibly here trying to avoid destroying families that want to be together.
Now often these young marriages - as young as 15 today in Hawaii and Kansas, and as young as 16 in 21 other states2 - are done only with parental consent. But that is not always the case.
There are often exceptions if the young bridge has been married before, her parents are dead, the bride and groom already have a kid, or the bride is pregnant.
If you’re butt hurt and pearl clutching about this… what exactly is your plan? Blow up a young family by throwing dad in prison? Are you retarded?
I’m not suggesting any of this is ideal by the way. My grandparents were an exceptional case by today’s standards but for many of you your own grandparents had similar marriages.
When I was young I even went to my paternal grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. Out of everyone reading this I’m guessing I’m not the only one who was able to do that.
“Times were different” back then sure. I wouldn’t advise any young man or woman to set a goal of getting married at 17 today. At the same time I’m a father, and if I had to choose between my own daughter getting married at 18 or 38 - like these old bag millennial sloots these days - I would choose 18 in a heart beat.
No contest.
Women today need to focus on getting wifed up and knocked up young. Motherhood first, career last (or never). Your job is to be home, make cookies, and babies. When that’s done then you make more cookies and take care of grand babies.
Basically women should play with cookies and babies their entire life, until the day you die.
Thank you for coming to my speech, have a nice fucking day.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson