What’s up man.
Many of my most devout cult members are inspired by the true story of my life. I grew up in a large family with two married parents, but both were super retarded boomers. My father in particular was a lifelong drug addict (alcohol, steroids, cocaine, etc) and incredibly violent. He beat my mother, myself, and my brother without mercy or purpose.
I’ve been punched in the face hundreds of times by someone with over 100 pounds on me as young as 9 years old. Beaten half to death in the Gulf of America, out of the sight of land, where no one can hear you scream.
You guys wonder how and why I write so intensely. Enough to cut through bone and drill an idea right into your fucking skull. This is largely why, and this is unusual. Contrary to popular belief and conventional wisdom, beating your children does not “toughen them up”. You beat the child right out of them, damaging their soul, and in the case of boys damaging their masculinity.
Developing a net positive response to long term violence and abuse is the exception to the rule. It destroys most children irreversibly.
To say then that my parent’s marriage - which lasted 40 years - was toxic and dysfunctional is an understatement. It is the single most toxic, abusive, and violent relationship I’ve ever seen. Trailer park marriages would be a step up.
Naturally I had no understanding of women and no idea how a healthy relationship would even look in practice. My grandma taught me a lot indirectly but my grandfather was long dead.
I knew enough by negative example that “beating your wife is bad”, but that’s not much a guide stone to go by for being competent with hot young women. Truly I was almost clueless before finding the manosphere in 2005. I wanted to fuck hot millennial sloots, and they wanted nothing to do with me.
This was a problem that had to be solved. So I solved it. Inch by inch, I approached thousands and thousands of women, night after night, year after year. Through this experience and surrounding myself with manosphere alpha gurus, I figured out how to fuck crazy, hot sluts.
Now to be clear every woman has an inner slut that needs to be face fucked and tamed, but not every woman is a lunatic super slut on a revenge tour. That comes later usually if an alpha male doesn’t enslave their soul while young.
With this in mind I’ve never spoken much about Allyssa directly and why she is my wife and baby mamma.
First up she’s young. Very young. About 8.5 years younger than me, similar to my own maternal grandparents (9 years difference).
She is a full 15 years younger than my ex-wife, the infamous Medusa.
Allyssa looks even younger than she is, so much so that when we were dating several people assumed I was her father. We were at her bank one time for example in early 2022 where this was especially memorable.
It was a major mistake on my part to ever date an older woman in terms of my previous marriage. We may have looked the same age but that was not even close to the case, and this is no one’s fault but my own.
I do think you should only date younger women. 1 year is bare bones minimum, somewhere between 3 and 10 is optimal. You can look up marriage statistics on this to nerd out. The point is though, with age comes experience. For you as an aspiring alpha male that means more wisdom, competence, and confidence. More masculinity basically. For her it can mean more damage, or exposure to trauma and shit choices.
Given that all women are destroyer class beings this damaging process is more or less inevitable given enough time and freedom to roam.
So you want em young. Me personally I prefer my women extra white and extra young, just like grandpa. I met Allyssa when she was 23, peak fertility and prime breeding age.
With younger women, the younger they are relative to you, the more alpha you have to be. It helps that I’m extremely good looking, but ultimately it’s your alphaness that matters most. The way you look is just one factor of many impacting her emotional experience of you - and her emotions might as well be reality itself to her.
Nothing is free then. You want her to be a certain way and bring a certain value to her life, expect the same in return.
You want a hot young thin breeder with big milk jugs, silky smooth long hair, who is loyal, submissive, and ride or die obedient to the end? Okay great bucko, nice wish list.
Now pay for it.
Money isn’t good enough. That won’t buy you jack shit but a gold digging whore. Better off buying escorts (don’t marry them though… knock on wood).
Virtually all women will sell their soul to be the pet of a supreme apex alpha male. (Treat her like a pet to make her wet). Get it through your thick fucking skull that she values your inner alpha the same way you value her big boobs in your face or her eggs to make children.
Now a woman’s youth and beauty - her genetic fitness - is extremely important but still only one slice of the picture. You need a lot more than that for a good candidate to build a family tree with.
In cold approaching ~7,000 women from 2006 to 2020 I met a lot of beautiful women. Even in a country drowning in fat beluga whales, there are still bus loads of hot women to go around for prime alpha males.
You need a woman who will make a good mother for your children, and a good grandmother for your grandchildren. This is how far ahead you should be thinking. You can’t predict the future with certainty, yet this is absolutely the direction you should be heading.
And you should aim high. Not everyone will be as exquisitely handsome as me but you should still aim for the most beautiful woman you can conquer and enslave. Having high standards expressed through your actions is itself alpha and highly attractive. It creates a positive feedback loop that boosts your alpha status naturally, which women can sniff a mile away like sharks.
What really grabbed my attention about Allyssa early on was not just her pasty white skin, long hair down to her ass, or even large bouncy bosom - it was finding out that she had been homeschooled most of her life in Florida.
Specifically grades 5-12.
As I was telling
here recently my wife is literally the only home schooled girl I ever met or talked to in my pickup adventures. Not only ~7k cold approaches but also including thousands of more women I talked to on dating apps and social media.Homeschooling to be clear is not magic. Some of the girls she knew from homeschool co-ops growing up turned out to be well adjusted grown women in stable families now. Others are complete cluster fucks like your average millennial cunty cunt boss queen.
What I knew immediately though is that homeschool allowed my wife to bypass a huge, huge amount of feminist propaganda. There was no public or even private school environment to push all this garbage on her brain for decades. Even her co-op “classes” with other homeschool kids were tiny, often 3-5 students at most.
Even there most of these kids - introverted themselves usually - were from devoutly religious bible thumper homes. They weren’t exactly bringing a lot of wigger and boss bitch shit to class.
Our own daughter, the infamous Charlotte Dream Johnson will of course be homeschooled as well and will never step foot in college.
A lot of alpha gurus have a lot of random, half baked solutions to the problem of a collapsing, dystopian sexual marketplace.
To say that dating today is a disaster is an understatement. It’s a radioactive dumpster fire.
Upping your numbers by just talking to thousands of women is a step in the right direction - at the price of time and effort. Getting a foreign wife and even leaving the country, this is yet another option with a price tag and trade offs.
Rolling the dice with a used up slut or even worse a single mom, that’s a huge gamble bro. Russian roulette with little to no benefit.
Church girl from a religious denomination you are part of? Yeah maybe, could work. Could also blow up in your face. Cloistered Catholic girls are often some of the biggest sluts around, and therefore useless for breeding purposes.
Most churches today worship the devils of feminism and butt sex. Is that really where you want to be?
I would propose then that young homeschooled women are an untapped market of potential breeders that most men have overlooked - if you can find them.
There is more to the story of finding a woman to mix your soul with. The family she comes from for example is extremely important and come with her as a package deal in many ways.
The relationship she has with her father, her brothers, grandfather, mother, etc. These are all fundamental issues you should examine in a prospective breeder female while raising your standards as high as possible without fucking yourself.
Very few manospherians have taken the path that I have. Most tend to just get cucked by single moms before writing an alpha male guru book about it. “I landed this 50 year old fat single mom bro, join my Patreon for exclusive red pill secrets”.
Yet this is the story of my life. I came from an incredibly abusive, violent, and dysfunctional family yet always wanted to go out and build one of my own. I saw the value in the skeleton of my family of origin, what it could have and should have been.
I spent a long, long time figuring women out. The manosphere helped spark and amplify that process before it became a shithole.
I did try to marry and build a family once before, and it failed spectacularly. That is the core reason I married Medusa, to build a family. Turned out she was literally turning herself out for cash.
Coming clean about this in a speech soon after the break up carried significant personal, legal, and professional risks. A lot of men told me to keep quiet and just walk away.
My actions played out differently and turns out that speech was a major reset point in my life. To date clips of it are the most viewed of any video I have ever published at over 12 million views.
Jumped back in the game of meeting women and pursuing my values, my goals. Now I got my little angel with more to come.
Hope this was insightful and helpful to those of you a few steps earlier in your journey.
In closing I would say that if you do want to build a family, most of you need to take that process more seriously and aggressively.
Feminism has stacked an entire social order against your patriarchy to be. Finding a woman to enslave as your sacred breeder and personal chef is an excellent way to fight back against this corrupt system.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson
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