What’s up man.
In today’s episode of The Dream Lounge we’re going to review the cancer of faith and what alpha males like you should do instead.
First of all, most people have no idea what “faith” is. It’s a slippery term used to hide the tumors within. In colloquial tongue for example the average person uses this word interchangeably with a combination of other terms.
For example when you say that you have faith in someone like a friend or family member, you don’t actually mean this in any deep philosophic sense. What you actually mean is that you have trust and confidence in that person to do (or not do) something, probably based on prior experiences with them and your overall estimation of their character.
E.g. you have faith that your gold digging trophy wife will remain loyal.
You quickly sandwich (package) these ideas together on the fly and simplify it verbally to “faith”.
Your faith personally can also refer to your religious beliefs generally (“faith in god”), a specific organized religion you consider yourself a part of (“my Catholic faith”), or a mixture of the two.
Clearly having specific, first hand reasons to trust someone is a far cry from vague, broad spectrum faith in a divine all powerful super being or 2,000 year old religious tradition.
Yet there is another, deeper meaning of faith in a philosophic and epistemological context that is far more wicked and insidious in nature. This is the ultimate meaning of faith that has been a cancer on human beings for thousands of years.
In spite of all the nonsense, lies, and mental gymnastics that the faithful will preach to you, faith fundamentally is believing that something is true (part of reality) in the absence of evidence to support that conclusion. In other words faith itself is a lie, and also, is the ultimate enabler of lies and liars.
Basically faith is just dreaming something up, winging it, and claiming victory. It is a direct method of cheating reality - claiming to know something that you in fact do not know - and of cheating your own mind.
Of taking a baseball bat to the knees of your own mind and reason, loan shark style.
Now some of the faithful will complain, no that’s blind faith. This is a difference without a distinction, like “pathological altruism”.
All altruism is evil and pathological. This is like saying “pathological super gonorrhea”. There is no amount of drug resistant super gonorrhea you want anywhere near your body.
Altruism like faith is a slippery term that is concealing a hidden meaning. In daily conversation altruism is used interchangeably with charity, generosity, and benevolence.
Yet these are all specific terms with specific meanings. They are not synonyms. Altruism is a cancer like faith that is even more evil, rather than an inadvertent enabler of evil. Altruism is moral cannibalism dressed up as moral virtue. It’s done more to destroy the world and get millions of people killed than almost anything.
The faithful will further complain that they’ve mixed reason and faith. All the experts agree that you can stir them up. In reality these people are just normies spiritually jerking themselves with a mixture of oil and water. Faith and reason are absolute, diametric opposites. Black and white, light and darkness, good and evil.
Reason is the light, faith is the darkness that leads straight to hell. Faith is in fact a gateway not to heaven, but hell on earth.
Now I have a picture of dead fish floating down a river at the beginning of this newsletter because this is how most people choose to live. They go with the flow. They are weak, social, herd animals that want to float down the river with other dead fish.
Just like every other dead fish in history.
Meaning that civilized people who lived a few thousand years ago had their own sets of festivals, holidays, beliefs, and traditions depending on their geographic location. They took these things seriously and believed them sincerely.
That you think your mystical magical woo woo bullshit don’t stink, but their mystical magical woo woo bullshit does stink, is the pinnacle of oblivious arrogance.
You might sit around today playing God of War III Remastered and wonder how anyone took ancient mythology seriously, yet your own descendants will wonder in amazement the same thing about you when they slaying demons in God of Jews III Remastered on their PlayStation Infinity VR chip implant.
Christians, Jews, Mooslims, Hindunuffins, all have a profound lack of self-awareness in their beliefs.
They are simply more dead fish floating down the river of time, practicing whatever is popular in their current time and geography.
Take a modern day American Christian for example (any type). If this person is a sincere believer, they believe in a one true version, of a one true sect, of a one true denomination, of a one true church, of a one true branch, of a one true faith, in a one true religion, for the one true son, of a one true God.
This 87 layers of one true specificity just so happened to be popular in the specific city, state, country, and time period they were born in, and it’s what their parents already believed. But not the family living across the street, who are dirty Protestant heathens or whatever.
In truth, thousands of years from now there will be no Christians, Jews, Mooslims, or Hindunuffins. Time and entropy will take their toll. Your holy buildings, books, artifacts, and traditions will all eventually burn to the ground and return to the sands from whence they came.
Whether by natural disasters, man made disasters, or literal arson, they will burn and crumble.
They are in fact already burning. One by one.
I state this as an observation without any ill will towards your religion specifically. I don’t wish arson or other crimes on any religious building or group, not even the inbred towel heads and their violent pedophile prophet.
This is simply the way of the world and what will happen no matter what I think or say.
Human civilization will slowly move away from faith and towards reason. Towards a godless, Objectivist future where every knee will bow to the glory of Ayn Rand.
Now is every religion evil? No. Broadly speaking Christianity in particular has been a net positive on the world. Not so much due to it’s merits but because the alternatives were so profoundly retarded.
Most Christians today for example are cannibalistic (flesh eating), vampiric (blood drinking), doomsday cultists. They engage in weekly, ritualistic cannibalism and vampirism consuming the blood and flesh of their god. They believe the world will end any minute - or 41,000 years from now - and their fearless leader will return.
They also want 10% of your money, every year, forever. If you disobey you will burn in hell forever.
In any other context this is a cut and dry doomsday cult. These are sick, primitive, and bizarre practices.
Yet through a process of normalization, propaganda, and longevity, these practices become accepted for the dead NPC fish floating down the river. For the herd of sheep.
No one stops to think hey maybe pretending to be a cannibal and vampire every weekend is a little crazy and these people are just scamming me for money with fear mongering and dreamed up woo woo bullshit.
No. The crazy person is that newsletter dude who practices a philosophy of strict adherence to reason and reality. Of focusing your mind on real life and trusting your mind to figure stuff out.
Uh huh.
But hey, ritualistic cannibalism and vampirism are a far cry from literal cannibalism and human sacrifices. The Catholic priests at least fuck hookers and altar boys behind closed doors rather than openly in the streets like the old days.
Baby steps folks.
The Word of God
One thing that really irks me about American Christians today - the most popular religion in my country - is just how soft and squishy their convictions have become. While it’s true I think you should renounce your faith and embrace Objectivism, the only religious people I do tend to get along with are “fire and brimstone” zealots.
Most American Christians - of any flavor - have none of this fire in their soul anymore. The average Christian basically has more respect for a stop sign at the end of their street than the literal “word of God”.
God says do this and don’t do that? Ah well, shucks man, that’s really more of a suggestion.
Local government road sign says stop? YES SIR GOVERNMENT MASTER RIGHT AWAY.
This shit is hilarious to me.
American Christians basically treat the bible and their religion as a Chinese food buffet. Just walking along, picking stuff they like, putting other stuff back.
Oh hey this looks pretty good, let me grab that and stuff it in my fat fucking face.
Oh this looks good. Wait, shit, looks like its been sitting out all day. Don’t want the shits, gonna put that back. Fucking cheap Chinese bullshit fuck this place.
This is about the level of seriousness that these people treat the word of God with. The commands of an ultimate, divine creator being with unlimited power. The power to make the entire earth explode with less than the snap of his fingers.
This is what happens to religions over their life cycles though. They grow and splinter, eventually fading into dust after a long chain of splintering.
There’s an unlimited number of excuses people will make for faith, not realizing how destructive faith has been on this earth. Most of them mean well. The road to hell as usual is paved with good intentions. They are brainwashed cultists, not malicious liars. They are simply repeating the lies of faith without knowing it one way or the other. Most of them by far will never change and question their own basic premises.
These cognitive escape routes have already been cut off by the cult in advance.
Pragmatism is among the most disgusting and disturbing to me though. These are the people who are so hoodwinked that they no longer value the truth. Who cares if it’s true or false, it’s good for people, especially stupid people.
Pay no attention to the overwhelming majority of people in prison being religious.
There are also the pragmatist charlatans who actively that their religious faith is bullshit, but they hang around anyway and pretend for some practical benefit. This is a truly degenerate and pathetic way to live. Your whole life is a lie and you are the faggyiest of the faggots.
I’ll close with some quotes on faith to stir the pot a bit more.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson
Faith in the supernatural begins as faith in the superiority of others.
The alleged short-cut to knowledge, which is faith, is only a short-circuit destroying the mind.
Faith and force . . . are corollaries: every period of history dominated by mysticism, was a period of statism, of dictatorship, of tyranny.
“Faith” designates blind acceptance of a certain ideational content, acceptance induced by feeling in the absence of evidence or proof.
Philosophy is the goal toward which religion was only a helplessly blind groping. The grandeur, the reverence, the exalted purity, the austere dedication to the pursuit of truth, which are commonly associated with religion, should properly belong to the field of philosophy.
Since religion is a primitive form of philosophy—an attempt to offer a comprehensive view of reality—many of its myths are distorted, dramatized allegories based on some element of truth, some actual, if profoundly elusive, aspect of man’s existence.
It has often been noted that a proof of God would be fatal to religion: a God susceptible of proof would have to be finite and limited; He would be one entity among others within the universe, not a mystic omnipotence transcending science and reality. What nourishes the spirit of religion is not proof, but faith, i.e., the undercutting of man’s mind.
Faith, as such, is extremely detrimental to human life: it is the negation of reason. But you must remember that religion is an early form of philosophy, that the first attempts to explain the universe, to give a coherent frame of reference to man’s life and a code of moral values, were made by religion, before men graduated or developed enough to have philosophy. And, as philosophies, some religions have very valuable moral points. They may have a good influence or proper principles to inculcate, but in a very contradictory context and, on a very—how should I say it?—dangerous or malevolent base: on the ground of faith.