What’s up man.
In today’s episode of The Dream Lounge we’re going to take a critical look at the shit state of American mothers in general, and a few mothers in specific to help illustrate these issues.
This newsletter originally began in my head as Deadbeat Mothers of the Manosphere. That morphed into Deadbeat Mothers of the Internet to be a bit more encompassing in scope. I finally settled on Deadbeat Mothers of America to set the proper tone and landscape for today’s masterful work of art.
For those who have yet to be blessed with reading or watching my work, I’m known for occasionally having a thing or two to say about American women. I believe that American women today are in fact the biggest, fattest, nastiest, trash tier fucking thunder cunt hippos the world has ever seen.
No demographic of women have ever roamed the earth before exhibiting this degree of fat fucking pig in pajama pants with a bad attitude. We are living in strange times folks. Dinosaurs no longer roam north America, but sumo sized boss queens in motorized scooters do.
These 500 pound war elephants are actually evolving faster than previously believed possible. Formerly bipedal organisms (now rotary organisms) these creatures are actually merging with the machines beta males built to help old farts get around.
Like a Buddhist monk seeking enlightenment, these women have become one with the machines. They are completely dependent on motor scooters to survive. Many literally cannot obtain food by walking around a store without these robots to assist them.
Dating women in America today is essentially dumpster diving in the global sexual marketplace then. American men have inadvertently become trash pandas.
When it comes to American women, American mothers are no exception. From boomers to zoomers these mothers are likewise trash tier in most cases. The boomers raised millions of daughters who became sugar baby skankaroos and e-prostitutes at a scale never before imagined in history.
Almost every single OnlySkank came from a boomer vagina and boomer sperm. Look it up.
These women were raised so poorly by their mothers (and fathers) that they rejected motherhood itself in most cases. The ones that didn’t are often single moms after getting creampied by 57 men with face tattoos and heavy drinking problems.
Now I have a picture of deadbeat manosphere mom Cynthia Ashlock aka “Devon Sharpe” at the start of this newsletter for a good reason.
This 50 year old fat fucking pig - who somehow remains fat even with a well known coke habit - is one of the finest examples of a shit American single mother who can’t even be bothered to be a mother.
From 2018-2024 she spent considerable time on YouTube as a podcast personality, supporting her future (now current) cucked husband Conovan Sharpe as the brains/web admin/co-host of the operation.
Throughout this time she cheered Conovan on as he roasted fat single moms, herself denying the status of being a single mom countless times on video. Hilariously she redefines herself out of being a single mom here by stating that 50/50 custody means she is a “co-parent” instead of a single mom.
Uh huh.
While these are pretty ordinary mental gymnastics single moms twist themselves into to escape reality, I have never seen a woman so publicly deny being a mother, on camera, with her 16 year old daughter in the home just down the hall.
This is a sick form of child abuse. To hear your own mother deny your existence on public podcast shows. Imagine you’re in high school, and your own mother goes on local radio pretending you don’t even exist.
I talk to the father Brian Ashlock on a regular basis and have advised him to get these videos in front of a judge. They enjoy 50/50 custody for now.
This for me reflects the state of American mothers. She’s too old, fat, and disgusting for OnlyFans so instead she tried using her cucked and tucked husband as a mask to scam simps in her stead. That’s dried up now, Conovan can’t breathe no more folks.
Per Obsidian’s comments I kept my knee on his fucking neck until he croaked.
When that poor kid is 18 she will dump her off on dad and ghost.
That’s the level of degenerate scum she is, and it reflects on wider American culture surrounding motherhood, not just single motherhood and broken families. Sure Cynthia is standard swamp trailer trash from Gainesville Florida. As a native Floridian, sadly, I can say she’s one of ours, boys. Gutter tier, but a Florida trailer woman none the less.
The Black Manosphere has often referred to her as a “sewer Becky”, although the best YouTube names I’ve seen for her are “mud shark” and “snicker licker”.
However for the past 50+ years women have been aggressively brainwashed to put motherhood last and career first (or really anything else first). This is why I don’t believe you just get to hand wave her shitty behavior away as an oddity. Variations of this are normal, and Devon is a GenX old bag, not even a millennial or zoomer.
The standard script women have been running for decades in America is something like this:
Be a slut in high school.
Get into $50-100k of non-dischargeable debt for a useless degree.
Become a creampie super hoe in college.
Catch herpes and chlamydia at music festival.
Get a shitty job that pays little and makes you miserable.
Crank up the hoe phase even higher.
Have 2-4 abortions in your 20s.
Hit 30, get fat.
Option A: freeze eggs, continue being slut
Option B: lock down beta, continue being slut (cheat)
Shit out first kid at 39
Get divorced
Turn kid trans
Every step of this life plan is irrational and insane, and yet people accuse me of hating women. Yet who was out here in real life telling women to put Motherhood First and career last?
White women, black women, all women.
Bitches are stubborn and dumb though. Oprah didn’t give two fucks about you and gave you shitty life advice. She helped ruin your life by lying to you. Big daddy Dream told you the truth though.
The truth now is that American women are so aggressively irrational that they want to do and be anything other than a mom. The feminist brainwashing is complete and permanent for most of them. Only the pain of failure will even wake some of them up, too little and too late. Hitting menopause in their 40s if the turbo cancer doom juice didn’t get them earlier.
Feeling their eggs shrivel up to nothing, milk dust coming out of their boobs. Meanwhile I drink it straight from the tap baby.
Women today will go out of their way to avoid being a mother though, even if they have already popped a kid out or two. Sterilizing themselves and abortion-murder are just the first lines of defense.
Once the baby comes they will evade motherhood at all costs. These lazy fucking cunts will avoid breast feeding for example just because they can’t be bothered. They have to get their nails done and charge their phone instead.
They will find or create every excuse in the book, but it’s all bullshit 99% of the time. They. Do. Not. Fucking. Care. Ignore what they say, watch what they do.
These women are scum. They literally don’t care about their own children.
Take care of the kid? Na dump that fucker off at day care ASAP and as often as possible. Why raise your kid when you can have a stranger (potential abuser) do it for $12/hour?
There are mothers who dump their kids off at daycare who don’t even have a fucking job. They are stay at home boss cunts who send their babies and toddlers to day care 5 days a week because they just can’t be fucking bothered to be a mother.
They have all the time in the world to be a mom, but like breast feeding - breast is best - they just don’t give a shit.
These bitches are materialistic consoooomer zombies. Why be a mom when you can watch Netflix and doom scroll on Instagram right?
The beta schlub husband is the enabler here of course so he’s on the hook too for a dereliction of duty. It was his duty to spank her booty and keep that wife ass in line.
The only time daycare is acceptable is if there is literally no other option and someone is going to die or go homeless. Everything else is a lie, scam, and bullshit to enable these fat lazy thunder cunts.
Oh but my wife works bro we just have to otherwise we can’t order UberEats 7 days a week.
Well your wife is fucking gay and so are you. Spank that booty and get her ass back in the kitchen. Women working is a sick joke. Stop stuffing your face with Door Dash slop you fat fuck.
Excessive nanny bullshit is yet another escape for these deadbeat and absent mothers who don’t give a shit about their own children. Let’s have a look at our favorite right wing masculinity guru Alexander Cortes and his feminist boss queen wife Preethi Reddy Kasireddy (who still refuses to submit and take his last name years later).
Hell she’s such a cunt she won’t even hyphenate. Bro was cuntmaxxing when they started dating.
Now I’m not opposed to having a cleaning maid come by your house once a month or even once a week to help your wife. But having two fucking nannies and one is full time, when you have ONE fucking kid?
Gimmie a fucking break bro.
As apex alpha male
has pointed out in his own writings, men like this often end up banging (and impregnating) the nannies Arnold style. And why not?The nanny basically becomes the wife and mother by performing all the actions of a wife and mother. She is the real wife and mother of the kids, not the bio-mom boss bitch who checks out.
And what’s AJ’s wife so busy doing that she can’t find time to be a wife and mother?
Well as I’ve discussed previously she was on a mission to save the Jews. Then she became a social media fitness influencer.
Now she’s a life coach and “fertility coach” (to offset the insecurity of feeling like a post wall old bag).
Oh and she’s a super duper crypto expert too. This is her free intro crypto course, which upsells to the paid version.
Basically this Indian Boss Bitch is committed to actively avoiding motherhood at all costs.
She will keep finding and creating meaningless busy work that fails while randos raise and care for her children.
The “fertility coach” thing seems to be her newest scam that she’ll get bored of in 6 months as her ADD and avoidant personality disorder rage on.
And our favorite beta male will continue to enable this shit show for as long as possible until she gets bored of him too, time to discard and find myself.
People will say I’m an asshole for saying these things, but I think the assholes are instead the people who choose to live these shitty, inauthentic lives.
As a final note, I won’t be the first man to note that boomer moms are turning out to be the shittiest grandmas in American history. Most of them resented becoming moms in the first place so becoming a grandma is a double slap in the face.
These are really detached people who care little for their own family tree. This is a generational and nationwide rot issue that many of you will face first hand as the economy continues to melt and people show their true faces when the chips are down.
In conclusion take care of your fucking kids and grandkids you lazy fat fucking cunts.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson