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What you need to understand about Crossfit is that its *meaningful risk of injury* isn't a bug it's a feature. Imagine for a minute that you are a corperate desk jocky whose life consists of Work, Nagging Wife and Traffic. You lead a meaningless boring existence.

Then you join crossfit where people dress like special forces operators, tell like special forces operators and use cool guy abbreviations. It's all the coolness of Navy Seals log carry without the hassle of giving up the surbaban lifestyle.

And then one day Boom you roll your ankle after wall ball box jump sprints. You show up next day at work with a cast. The cast is proof that you are an authentic extreme Alpha.

Bonus points of you go to physical therapy where a hot nurse pays attention to you, unlike your wife who never pays attention.

So yes the entire point of Crossfit is to injured as a sign of authenticity, just as the entire point of college is to get an abortion as a sign of Feminist authenticity.

Never underestimate how Oven Tier these people are.

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