What’s up man.
In today’s episode of The Dream Lounge we’re going to take a critical look at boomer masculinity. Roughly speaking you could substitute boomer masculinity with old school masculinity, traditional masculinity, godly masculinity, and so on.
This is something several of you have wanted me to explore for years, and to this day, I am accused of being an advocate of this type of masculinity. While there is a kernel of truth to this - I have worked with many men who champion this - it is far from painting an accurate, full picture of my beliefs.
I got plenty of smoke for these boomer fools.
First of all, without question, this range of masculinity is far superior to the modern “chop your dick off” masculinity. If I have to choose between the two in a thought experiment, there is no contest.
I prefer my countrymen to be manly, to know which bathroom to use, and to not chop their dick and balls off. I do not support this shit below in any way, shape, or form.
The problem is that these two rival editions of masculinity - old school boomer stuff vs new age faggotry - are presented as the only options, and this tramples on the pursuit of truth.
Kind of like neo-conservatism and neo-liberalism in the 2000s were presented as the only two political options in the United States, each championed by a major political party, that maintained a duopoly on electoral politics.
Neither of these toxic political philosophies for example in any way represented the founding vision of America. Not even close.
Now I have a screenshot of Dwayne from Dry Creek Wrangler School at the top of this newsletter for a good reason. He perfectly embodies boomer masculinity, in a way that is far better than most.
I don’t believe his two daughters are conservawhores for example. Something that is all too common for MAGA dads and in online conservajerk influencer circles.
As I told you guys once before in this newsletter, in 2021 I was talking to a MAGA dad who ran a father’s rights organization in Florida. We met through a mutual friend. He started bragging about his daughter going to the University of Florida right out of high school. He was very proud.
When I casually mentioned that his daughter would probably join Tinder and ruin her life, and that he should consider keeping her home to help her find a husband and start a family, he just gave me “blank NPC face” as
would put it.Clearly he had never considered this, and no one had ever spoken so plainly about this to him. In fact it was probably like I stepped out of a time machine saying this kind of stuff (and I might as well have been speaking Chinese).
In truth I speak in a way that boomers haven’t heard since they were young and their grandparents were still alive.
My now dead brother in law once commented that I was an “1800s husband” which I found very amusing.
Yes brother, we are going back to the old ways, the very old ways.
When I first found Dwayne from Dry Creek Wrangler School I liked a lot of what he was saying. It felt like I had found a “white Paul Cauldwell” if you will. It was of little surprise that he was exploding on YouTube with young, fatherless, lost men raised by slut single mom hippos.
Similar to Dr. Jordan Benzo Peterson, these men have a strong father hunger in their soul, and the “washy your winky and clean your room” stuff goes a long way to satisfying this hunger.
Yet that soul food is hollow, empty calories essentially. That’s why young men need to read
‘s new book The Pillars of Wisdom to eat their red pill vegetables from the ultimate red pill bible.I started to turn sour on Dwayne when I heard him talking about his wife. Specifically that “my wife can be anything she wants”. I don’t have a link to the exact video, but I’ve heard him say things like this several times now. Those of you familiar with his videos have probably heard this too and other statements like it.
This is poison to my ears, and it tells me everything I need to know about their marriage.
Jordan Beta Peterson no doubt would say much the same about his own wife. It’s a devoutly feminist statement that no husband would have said 150 years ago in the late 1800s. You’d be laughed out of the fucking room.
My wife to be clear cannot be whatever she wants. She is my property and she will do as she is told.
There are thousands of men reading this newsletter. Almost all of you follow a range of masculinity gurus and creators online. Can any of you name even one man who lives like that today? That you know online or in real life?
I know more masculinity gurus than almost anyone alive, and I’m not sure I can name more than 1 or 2 outside of myself.
Husbands like me basically don’t exist anymore in the West. Maybe one marriage out of a thousand operates like mine, in a way that is authentically patriarchal.
Agree or disagree with how we choose to live, almost everyone else - and I mean that literally - lives in a co-equal, co-retarded, feminist relationship.
All these men are to varying degrees cucked and tucked by feminism with their fat fucking wives and their cunt fucking wives and their fat cunt fucking wives.
You’re not allowed to acknowledge much less speak the truth today: that feminism completely, rapidly rewrote the entire fabric of human civilization and it is now on a path to doom and death.
Feminism and 10,000 years of civilization itself - not just Western Civilization - are complete opposites and we have no future as a people with feminism. We are living through the most technologically advanced, socially retarded time that has ever existed, and we are heading for a brick wall at 150mph.
Dwayne and his simps don’t realize that he is the real life edition of the Kevin Costner Yellowstone meme.
GenX beta male Matt Walsh has called the show “woke propaganda” and the ultimate “boomer bait” over stuff like this. While I haven’t watched the show, apparently Kevin’s character is a rough and tough cowboy man.
And at some point, towards the end of a season, he sits down on a truck to pontificate some wildly neo-liberal shit, completely out of tune with his character up to that point. It makes zero sense in the show, to the point of hilarity and memes.
This is how boomers are though. They will talk tough about being a “severe conservative”, while their daughters get banged out by 50 dudes a year on Tinder and their wife rules the roost all day.
It’s all a pretense of authentic masculinity. A thin layer of bravado with nothing substantial inside. Most of these men are what you could fairly call “staunch feminists” from just 30-40 years ago.
They are oblivious beyond belief.
“Boomer masculinity” in all it’s forms is essentially servant masculinity. It is the masculinity of slaves and beta males.
Like our good friend, leader of men, and favorite drug addict (alcoholic) Ryan Michler from the Order of Divorced Cuckolds.
Ryan embodies this perfectly with an obsession for protect, provide, preside as a manly mantra.
Notice that the three Ps are all servant based. It’s all how to be a good slave, a good servant. Serve, serve, serve. Live for others. Take no authority and command, just serve and obey.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Service is patriarchy.
Ryan is a man who liked to LARP as a patriarch, but in truth his wife too ruled the roost. He submitted to the authority of his wife, hiding his drug addiction from her for many years. Vodka in water bottles kind of sneaking around shit.
She caught him (again) and finally punished her servant mule for disobedience with divorce. Perhaps his Mormon alien god will punish him for disobedience too.
Now some of you may be wondering “but Anthony, you’ve worked with a lot of Christian masculinity gurus that promote biblical masculinity”.
While this is true, you significantly misunderstand my work.
I’ve never told anyone to be a Christian/Jew/Mooslim for example. My beliefs in this department have been consistent for 15 years now, while I’ve watched many men change their religious beliefs like clothes.
You should renounce your faith in desert woo woo magic and convert to Objectivism, for every knee shall bow to the glory of Ayn Rand and the reasonable shall inherit the earth.
When it comes to events I’ve built like The Patriarch Convention and The 21 Convention these have always been open forums pointing in a positive direction for men, not top down events with a dictated set of curriculum.
I am only half the cult leader you believe me to be.
Even the Christian men who spoke more heavily at The Patriarch Convention often had significant philosophic disagreements with each other, separate from anything to do with me.
I’ve always believed all of their fundamental reasoning is completely and absolutely wrong. They know this, do not care, and often appreciate the candor when it’s detached from outright blasphemy.
What they get right is that they want men to be authentically masculine, women to be authentically feminine, and family’s to be championed by men. This is good and important work, pointing men and women in a healthy direction with more topical yet important ideas.
Even in the context of their own respective religions - Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Catholic, and Mormon - they are fighting soft civil wars against dark forces polluting their churches with evil.
There is nothing good about American churches becoming big gay discos.
I have always sincerely supported them in this respect. As churches continue to exist in my country, I would strongly prefer they had no feminism and woke tranny shit. I have and will continue to help where I can.
As a final word in this newsletter on boomer masculinity, it is what directly preceded “chop your dick off masculinity”.
The boomers have handed their children and grandchildren an America over $200 TRILLION in debt, on the brink of collapse, and 25 year old young men are literally chopping their balls off.
Whatever it’s merits, this is what boomer masculinity actually produced.
This is what the boomers gave you.
Those are my views for now on boomer masculinity. It is quite goofy in many respects. Too soft and squishy for me, not hard and rigid enough in it’s reasoning and application.
It’s not good enough in other words.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson