What’s up man.
Got a joke for you.
A Catholic, a Protestant, and an Orthodox Christian all walk into a bar and start talking a little smack about Mormons. What happens next?
Well nothing because it’s a joke. What isn’t a joke is that this happened to my phone earlier this year, within 24 hours of sending the newsletter Trad Wives Gone Wild back in March of 2024.
That newsletter covers two divorces from influencers I know that both made the events public. Both men were more or less divorce raped and blind sided.
I was much harsher with JP Sears because that situation is a lot more egregious and distant to me. JP married a mentally ill neo-liberal California feminist globe trotting “life coach” yoga pants turbo slut, and I’m supposed to be surprised by that marriage imploding?
Uh huh.
The Guzy’s case is a lot more tragic as they have a million kids and none of the obviously super wrong stuff going on. Brikaeli was not a globe trotting feminist woo woo magic “life coach” by any stretch of the imagination.
She was literally a stay at home mom making cookies and babies by the bus load as every woman should. So what went wrong?
Back to this perfect trifecta of mainstream Christians, each representing one of the primary three branches of their religion, they all said basically the same thing.
Mormons are obsessed with the appearance of perfection.
This was very interesting to me at the time because these three men did not know each other. They only knew of each other via 21 Convention. They had no ongoing relationships or communication I was aware of at least.
And obviously, these are three men with significantly different philosophic belief systems. Plenty of beef and friction between the branches. Yet here they are in my phone, reading the same newsletter, making the exact same comments (fundamentally).
Here is one of them.

Unlike most snowflakes who surround themselves with sycophants I surround myself with men who often think quite differently from me. I’m a devout Objectivist and militant atheist for example, yet I often surround myself with highly religious Christians from different backgrounds.
Fire and brimstone types.
I do that in part because they can provide me with useful insights and observations about the world. Things that are real and true. They disagree strongly on theological issues, yet here on Mormon perfectionism, they were unanimous.
I’m an inductive logic kind of man, so my brain immediately jumped to the next logical link in the chain from that multi-branch Christian comment.
Tanner’s book is titled The Appearance of Power.
Well if these three wise men were correct, the real subtext you can draw from the title of this book is probably The Appearance of Perfection or The Illusion of Power.
That’s not intended to denigrate the content of the book in the context of style, it’s a commentary on the motivation and origin of the book, independent of how self-aware the author was of it at the time.
You see in my original newsletter Trad Wives Gone Wild I was wrong about a few things.
I wrote that Brikaeli did not go “full lesbo”, but as later research showed, she did in fact go full lesbo with her hair.

For some reason women are remarkably consistent in butchering their hair when under mental stress. As
might say they psychologically leak through their hair. Hence they rapidly change the color, cut a shit ton of it off, etc to ventilate their inner emotional state.My ex-wife did the same thing, immediately chopping off over 6 inches of hair when I left her. I’m sure you’ve seen women do much the same in your own life.
Feelin mad, gonna chop half a foot of hair off and dye it blue. Yep that’s the stuff, that’ll show the patriarchy who’s boss.
Mrs. Guzy did much more than chop her hair off though. Before going dark on social media, she had a public meltdown/nervous breakdown about motherhood specifically. You’re reading some of that in the posts, and there was a bunch more of that on her IG before it went private.
She was in full on rebellion mode.
Like the Christian who messaged me in the screenshots suggested, Brikaeli had a lot of repressed energy and basically snapped. Her brain snapped, and like a rubber band being over stretched, her emotions snapped.
On a practical level this is unfortunate but understandable. They have 7 fucking kids. That’s a lot of kids. Every kid is different, and even one kid can be a challenge. They also had a lot of children very quickly.
Pastor Michael Foster by comparison - which I think is fair - has 9 kids with his wife, 8 living and 1 dead/still born. I don’t know the exact numbers but as I understand it those kids were spaced out over a longer period of time. When you’re cranking out that many babies, even an extra 3-6 months of space is really going to help recover and settle in.
It needs to be said to because I haven’t seen anyone else with the audacity, cojones, coconuts, or chutzpah say it out loud yet: why the hell was Tanner creampieing his wife in the middle of a divorce lawsuit?
She literally got pregnant with the 7th child while divorcing Tanner. Too many kids too fast seems to be a major driver of how this family structure collapsed, so why add insult to injury?
The truth is rationality went out the window for both of them here, big time.
In my own limited experience with them and Mormonism generally, there is a feeling of “keeping up with the Joneses” present. This isn’t unique to Mormon culture but it does feel amplified, and I believe this is an outgrowth of the “perfectionism” that the three wise men were messaging me about.
As a confirmed and retired Catholic I think it’s fair to say that most Catholics would view this as the deadly sin of pride in action. That is having children for the sake of competing with other families at church or in the neighborhood.
I can’t say for 100% certain that this is what drove them, but it is my best guess in terms of it being a major factor among a broader range of irrational decisions. The coup de grace of which being divorce creampies leading to yet another 7th child that she (and they) clearly couldn’t handle.
Divorce doesn’t help fix that situation of course, it just makes it worse, but better decisions were not on the menu here buckos.
While a lot of manosphere bros will be happy to dump all this on Brikaeli (and poor Tanner, wahmen so bad) the truth is they co-created this marriage and it’s downfall together.
That’s the case in 99% of relationships.
Tanner for his part failed to keep a level head and make level headed decisions. That didn’t start with blowing baby batter pies in the final stages of divorce, that was some degree of consistent decision making over a long period of time.
The way a man does one thing is the way a man does everything.
I’m sure Tanner further failed to destroy Brikaeli’s bad behavior at various points. Entropy took it’s toll, the years rolled by, and these snowballed into her final solution of rebellion and divorce.
Nothing says I don’t love you and fuck your authority like being served a divorce lawsuit at your front door.
Every woman to be clear - from Brikaeli to your own mother - has an inner jezebel and inner slut. This is why I tell men you gotta dominate your wife to dominate life.
You gotta lead with the iron fist of patriarchy and choke slam the succubus within her soul. You have to be a mean asshole at times in other words. Ignore this warning at your own peril. Either you destroy her bad behavior with your perennial patriarchal phallus or she will destroy you and your marriage.
Women are destroyers.
Women are creators of life. The flip side of this power is the power to destroy, and they are damn good at it. Hence big daddy Trump had to destroy yet another cunt trying to destroy our country.
Did Trump go easy on her? No. He permanently ended her career.
Back to the kid thing, to be crystal clear, I’m against the creation of kids for any illegitimate reason. Children should be the product of love and the union of two souls. Anything else is absolutely gay and retarded.
Children are not a “hail Mary” to save your marriage, nor are they are mechanism of one up manship on your neighbors or friends at church. No doubt this has happened thousands or millions of times over the past 100 years, but still, it’s gross to me and morally corrupt.
The Catholics call pride a deadly sin for a reason. It leads to more and more sin.
Ryan Michler for example from The Order of Cuckolds is another Mormon sinner. His god said don’t drink alcohol.
So what did he do?
Drink like a fish of course. Lie about it over and over. Hide it from his wife after submitting to her authority.
There’s a lot of crossover between Tanner and Ryan we’ll get to soon enough in an upcoming newsletter. Some shenanigans as they both blew up their marriages.
One thing that really irks me about all these internet patriarchs is how few actually live that patriarchal life at home, behind closed doors, when it really counts.
No tweets, no Instagram, no selfies. Just real, authentic, absolute authority in action to lead your family.
Most of these guys don’t live like I do with my family. They don’t swing the blade of patriarchy with enough force to cut through bone.
They’re always half-stepping, pussy footing, back pedaling every step of the way. They play patriarch trad alpha male on the internet, but at home?
They have basic bitch, co-equal, co-retarded “modern” relationships like everyone else. Their home and marriage are not a castle ruled by a king in a war against feminism.
It’s just one more slave plantation for the matriarchy. One more slightly masculine beta male to serve, to “protect, provide, preside”.
This is the masculinity of slaves. Sheep playing pretend sheep dogs.
That’s why none of pseudo-patriarchs talk like I do by the way. No filter, no mercy, no hesitation, no apology.
Just plain English and plain truth like men spoke 100 years ago.
I’ll close on this note.
Since The Guzy divorce I’ve been thinking a lot about this photo and others like it from them. JP Sears and his wife have similar photos as well.
On one hand it looks like an iconic family photo. On the other hand it looks like a stock photo you’d find in a frame at a Bed Bath and Beyond.
Which harks back to what the three Christians said at the opening of this post. That Mormons are constantly pushing for the appearance of perfection, in a way that is ultimately destructive to their lives.
Leading to not only greater imperfections, but ultimately implosion and doom.
As always I encourage all Christians to renounce their faith and embrace the loving bosom of Ayn Rand.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson