
Andrew Tate: The King of Toxic Masculinity

My third interview with Andrew in Miami Florida.

What’s up man.

This is my third and most recent interview with Andrew Tate, who I first met in 2019 during my spring trip to Warsaw Poland, scouting venues for The 21 Convention held later that summer.

When I first met Andrew and Tristan Tate I didn’t know much about them. My upcoming trip to and event in Poland had caught their attention living nearby in Romania.

We talked a bit on Twitter. Before I knew it I was across the world with my film team, and they were on a fancy train to Warsaw from Romania. We were soon drinking absinthe on fire, smoking cigars, and filming an interview that went on to be viewed by tens - maybe hundreds - of millions across social media.

It was obvious to me even then by first impression that Andrew had a powerful soul. He and his brother both lived out an extreme and authentic degree of masculinity. It was a great relief to meet other men in the manosphere space creating content and their own events who were not effeminate beta males, and did in fact walk their talk as apex alpha males.

This Poland interview is in fact when I first crowned Andrew “the king of toxic masculinity”. You’ve seen this label thrown around for several years now about him, and it’s true source is me personally, dating back to it’s first use here as the interview title, unchanged since April 2019.

No media outlet has ever credited me for that, and that’s okay. It’s the truth and creative accuracy of the title that matters. Seeing Andrew live up to that royal, noble crown has been it’s own reward 100 times over for me.

As virtually all of you know Andrew has taken his “brand” to an unprecedented level never before seen in the history of the internet. When he visits his home country of the United States it’s like a visiting head of state has arrived.

My own governor Ron DeSantis started bitching immediately. I thought that was way out of line and is further evidence that Ron has been cucked by his bitchy cunt of a wife. (Talks like a cunt, looks like a cunt, it’s a cunt).

Our own head of state President Trump was immediately questioned about Andrew and Tristan upon their arrival, as if they were visiting royalty.

And perhaps they are in a sense. Andrew is a true anomaly who has reigned not only as the king of toxic masculinity, but is now the king of the internet.

If you haven’t seen this Miami interview before it’s arguably his best ever according to his fans, and probably my own best as a journalist. The audio only version has been posted previously here on TDL with full show notes included. Today’s post is the first time the video has been uploaded here.

It is available on YouTube here in the 4K resolution it was natively filmed at (Substack does not yet support 4k).

The problem is even trying to work around censorship issues in 2021, the video was treated like shit by YouTube. They actually deleted it off my personal channel entirely for hate speech and “medical misinformation”.

The RMG (linked) and 21 Studios editions were both aggressively shadow banned and locked at 36k views each (almost to the dot) years ago. They’ve been difficult to find and the views just fell off a cliff, as if both videos just stopped existing one day.

My original Poland interview with Andrew by comparison has done a far more reasonable 756k views on the initial upload. Clips of that interview have also gone into the tens of millions. I even saw a full reupload of it with a crypto scam embedded in it at 2 million views before I filed a copyright strike to take it down.

The crazy views this Miami interview did have all been off YouTube, on Twitter and Tik Tok mostly. If you haven’t seen it before it is best to experience on video. We put a lot of effort into the opening trailer and the journey down to Miami from Orlando.

This interview is so classic because as many viewers have told me “it’s like watching two friends talk”. This is a simple statement of course, yet it’s a rare form for Andrew to be in for a full interview. Most other interviewers are too stiff (stick up their ass), scared shitless of Andrew, or old school butt sniffers/ass kissers.

I am none of these things. Just a simple Florida red neck and humble event planner, an old friend from Poland from before his rise to infamy.

Who knows… maybe there will be another Tate interview soon.

/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson


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